You Don't Remember Me?

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Karl jerked upward. His breath was coming in short gasps, eyes wide and panicked. After a few moments he was able to calm himself down, realizing he is safe now.

His mind wouldn't let him forget the feeling of a sword piercing through his body. The coldness forming inside him as his vision went black...

He had just ended another adventure. A different version of Tubbo, taking Karl's life after the unsatisfied king demanded for it. It was always extremely unsettling for Karl to see different people with different lives, wearing the same faces as those around Karl in another time.

It was even more unsettling when he'd watch those with the same faces as his loved ones. When he would watch them die...

He knew he had to write down the words, the knowledge of the other timeline...but first he had to see Sapnap and Quackity. He wanted to see them smile again and hug then once more. He wanted to feel safe again.

Karl got up from his spot on the ground and took out his compass. It looked like he was in the middle of a forest. There was some snow on the ground, and he slightly wondered if he was near Snowchester. His compass would lead him back to the Community House though. From there he would know where to go.

With that he began to walk.


As he was nearing the Community House, he already spotted one of the people he was searching for. Karl's heart was filled with relief and gratitude at the luck.

Quackity stood ahead, eyes down and locked onto a paper that was in his hands. His eyes shot up when he heard Karl approaching.

"Oh thank God you are here Quackity. I-" Karl started.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Quackity's cold voice stopped Karl in his tracks.

"I...." Karl started, voice unsteady and traced with confusion and concern. He had missed the other man greatly. It has been a long time since he had spoken with either Quackity or Sapnap, due to Karl's travels to other times. He knew his emotions were unstable, and he didn't want his fiances to see him in such a way. He knew that the moment they saw him, they would see how much of a wreck he was.

So he avoided them. hasn't been too long. At most, maybe it's been a week since he had last seen either of his beloveds, Quackity slightly longer since he seemed too busy to be around at the time.

Karl quickly tried to think of what could have happened since then that could have caused such a change in the man in front of him...

But there was nothing.

"I asked, what the fuck do you think you are doing?" Quackity's voice brought Karl's panicked mind back to the present.

"I....I missed you. I was looking for you. You and Sapnap..." Karl began, but stopped when he saw the enraged look in his lover's eyes after the first few words left his mouth.

"Oh you missed me? That's rich. This coming from the guy who forgot all about me, who went off and made an entire nation, conveniently without me. You and Sapnap can have each other!" Quackity yelled out with anger. His last word ended with a voice break, his pain showing through. He snapped his mouth shut and began to stalk away.

Karl reacted before his mind could catch up to what just happened, and he quickly moved towards the hurt man, arm outstretched...

Only to snatch his hand back when an axe moved quickly through the air, where his hand was moments prior.

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