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???'s pov

I stirred in my cramped position and caught sight of a small pillow looking at me with sharp green eyes.

I blinked my eyes furiously because first of all, how could a pillow a have
eyes and most importantly why is it purring?

When everything registered to me, I frantically jumped out of my bed, and fell backwards hitting my back on the cold floor. I stood up my hands securely holding unto the edge of my table supporting me.

"Purrr." I eyed the cat rolling on bed purring scratching my bed sheet.

"Geonie, You scared me." I patted my head fixing my messy hair. As I approached the cat and grabbed it with both of my hands before going towards my window.

"Seems like you hate your owner." I murmured, while opening my window and knocked at the other window of my neighbour. Both the houses are built up right next to eachother, making both me and my neighbour able to contact through our windows.

The greenish transparent glass window opened with a click sound.

"Yah Park Jihoon- oh hey Adrien!"I looked up from the cat, hoping jihoon to greet me.

"Hey joy, wassap?"

"Where's jihoon?" I ignored his questions while peeking into their window. He slide away, reveling jihoon their sitting surrounded by wires everywhere.

"What the fuck are you doing? And here take geon, he always sneak into my house." I scrunched my nose, pushing Adrien further aside and enter his room through the window.

"Cat dislikes messy places, atleast clean your room once for the sake of geon." Adrien shooks his head while I looked over at his messy room, book and wires laying everywhere, with his clothes were thrown on his bed carelessly and snacks and instant noodles packs and rappers on his table.

"I will after I repare my mini fridge." Jihoon replied still playing with the wires.

"And what are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow at Adrien, as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I was here to help him with his preparation for royal estates, but seems like he is busy with something eyes, and what do you mean 'what are you doing here?' why can't I come here?" He replied annoyed.

"I was just curious." I pouted out my lower lip.

"Anyways as he's busy can you help me with the preparation, and also what's with the form, I don't know what to do." I said and dragged him with me.

No one's pov

The sun sets as the darkness took over, the moon shined on the dull black sky.

"Why do I have to dye my hair back to black!!!!" The boy whined while jumping up and down with a pout. The younger girl sighed and glared at him.

"Ren, just shut the fuck up and sit down still, if you don't want to get in trouble on the first day for your university." The girl pushed the boy into the chair infront of the mirror, and started mixing the dye and conditioner and other hair products she needed.

Her hand moved to every part of his brother's head, as the black dye covered his dark blue hair.

"Apply some dye there too, NO THAT'S MY NECK YOU IDIOT!!" Ren pointed.

"Oh..sorry wait-" the girl struggled applying it properly.


"Will you shut up for a sec, I'm trying okay?! I'm not professional!" The younger smacked her hand on his brother's head resulting the dye to get over her hand.

"Sheesh." She wiped her hand on the white shirt his brother was wearing.

"YOU BITCH THAT'S MY NEW SHIRT." the older boy stood up and started chasing his sister all over the house.
On the way he took whipped cream on his grasp. The younger girl who was unaware of his brother's evil thoughts. Kept running away from him while laughing out loud.

"Ouch!" Ren shrieked, while rubbing his back, sitting on the floor.

The girl stopped running and walked towards his brother.

"Aish, did you got hur-" the girl was got cutt off by the buttery substance sprayed all over her face. She gasped wipping it off.

"YOU DIPSHIT I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU TODAY!" The girl started hitting his brother multiple times. He was still laughing at her face.

"Aishhhh you ruined my face." The younger pouted, while making a face as if she was about to cry.

"Aw, no you look more pretty you know." Ren patted her head. As she rolled her eyes, and jumped on their couch, followed by her fellow brother.

"Criz, you know Adrien and his sister goes to royal estates too." He boy glanced at her sister. While her eyes were set on the vampire on the tv.

"I see." She replied as ren snatched the remote out if her grasp and started watching SpongeBob.


"No it's SpongeBob time, you have watched those series a hundred times now."

"you watch SpongeBob everyday! Give me back the remote you have a god damn pc at your room go watch there!"

"No I'm lazy to go to my room, now shut up and watch whatever is on."

"No! Give me back the remote." The younger tried to reach for the remote but failed, they kept bickering snatching remote from eachother, as they accidentally clicked on some buttons.

"Hey barbie,
Hi Ken-"

"Intresting." And that's how both of the siblings ended up watching barbie.

Adrien's pov

"I'm home!" I shouted. As soon as I stepped inside the house, I saw Ariana my sister and her friend Stella cuddling into eachother, as they chewed their pizza.

"What did I just witnessed?" I gasped and saw them turning their head towards me.

"Mind your own business, brotha..." Ariana stretched her pizza, and turned around smiling at Stella, as she snuggled in her arms.

"Sometimes I really doubt if you both are actually straight.." I sighed before heading to my room.

I thrown myself on my bed, and started at the ceiling. Tomorrow I'm gonna encounter alot of people, I thought. Soon my eyes started getting heavy as I felt myself drifting to my dreamland.


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