I Love You

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We've been planing Olivia's quinceanera all week. It got so bad I would have to cancel plans with Latrelle so we didn't hang out much just me and him. It sucked and I felt bad for bailing on Latrelle all those times.

Hey baby
I wanna take you out tonight
Or are you too busy planning Olivia's party?

I sighed and opened my messages. It was around 5 now and we were planning. I walked into the kitchen and called Latrelle.


"Hi, baby."

"Hey." I could tell he was really just over it.

"So, what are you talkin?"

"At least 7 or 8."

"Uh, I'll see what I can do."

"You know what, Y/n, don't bother, you got things to do. It's cool. Look, imma talk to you later."

"Oh, okay, love you."

"Yeah." He hung up and I groaned. 

I walked to the living room and grabbed my things.

"What are you doing?" Ruby asked and I turned to him.


"What? We're not finished."

"Well, I am. Look, Latrelle is probably this close to cuttin me loose and I ain't bout to lose my man cause of your over planning. Y'all have a good one." I said walking to the door.

"Y/n, if you walk out that door your fired." Ruby said and I frowned sarcastically.

"Last time I checked, I don't get payed for this shit." I slammed the door behind me and put on my coat running to Latrelle's house. When I got to his house he was outside smoking a blunt.

"So, we goin on this date or what?" I asked and he looked at me surprised.

"Ain't you got plannin to do?" He said blowing smoke out. I sat next to him snatching the blunt and smoking it.

"Don't be like dat, Trelle." I gave him the blunt back.

"Den, how I'm posed to be, huh?" He said with attitude.

"Look, I appreciation dat you came, but it's too late, ight? You been bailing on me for a week now, and expect me to just be okay wit it? I'm not, Y/n." He got up and dropped the blunt stumped on it.

"So, that's how it is, Latrelle!? I came to spend time with you and you gonna leave!?" I got up and he turned to me.

"Yeah, karma's a bitch, ain't it?" I slapped him across his face.

"Aye yo, what the fuck was that foe?!" He held his face.

"Why you bein so got damn disrespectful!? You got me all da way fucked up if you think imma let yo ass talk to me like dat!" I snapped and he shook his head.

"Man, I ain't got time to argue with you." He started to walking away but I grabbed his arm.

"Look, I came here to spend time wit you, so we spendin time together."

"So, you forcin me to spend time you?"

"Hell yeah I'm forcin yo ass to spend time wit me. I'm your girlfriend, you love me, right?" I asked but he stayed quiet.

"Oh, after all those times you said you love now you can't say it?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Ain't like you ever said it back."

"I never said it back 'cause the first guy I said it to cheated on me."

"How many times I gotta tell you I ain't no damn Cesar?!"

"I never said you were!"

"Ight, then why you keep comparing me to that nigga?"

"I'm not, okay!? You was movin so fast into the "I love you" stage, I wasn't ready! But, now I am! Latrelle, I really do love you, I'm just scared. I feel as if I'm gonna slip and not be able to catch up." I said and he took my hands

"Baby, Imma always love you no matter what. Shit, I even go broke foe yo ass."

"You ain't gonna go broke." I wrapped my arms his neck.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Once uncle Marlo help me get this record deal we gonna be living large, papi?" He smirked and kissed me.

Lets just say we spent a lot of time together.

Sorry this was short I just wanted to put something out there.

Check out my other OMB stories

Spooky Times (O. Diaz)

Monse's Sister (R. Martinez)


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