19. A place to date

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This had to be a dream.

He pushed me inside the café where Sascha works, seeing him in his waiter outfit and setting up a table for two. No one else was there, even the lights were dimmed to make it look more romantic. Blitzo sat beside me instead of the opposite side, nodding over to Sascha. Meanwhile, I stayed still, dangerously quiet.

The tall imp got all nervous now, straightening his clothes. I didn't like the atmosphere, especially as the food arrived, Spaghetti with meatballs. Glaring at our waiter, I growled deeply once I spotted the accordion.

"Don't. you. Fucking. dare"

Sascha looked all innocent in my direction, "I am just trying to get you into the romantic mood"

"Using a Disney reference isn't helping..."

Blitzo used the part where his nose is and pushed the meatball in my direction.

"...not helping at all."

Bored I took a handful of spaghetti into my mouth, not caring for my company. That is until we fought for the one of them. No one wanted to share the last one. Realising what he is up to, coming closer with his face, I punched his chest hard. In pain he opened his mouth, and I got the last piece easily.

The tall imp didn't look happy, "Sasch, you said she would like it"

He nodded, "It is one of her favourites"

I clicked my tongue, once I cleaned my mouth, "So is the little mermaid, that doesn't mean that I enjoy a date in a tiny boat on the lake."

To my surprise, Blitzo slowly pulled out a piece of paper, crossing out something.

"Or a playfight, rolling down a hill and get all romantic and cuddly"

Another line was crossed out.

Another few scenes and the entire piece of paper was ripped apart. Blitzo sighted, "that's it, I am out of ideas"

The hellhound was in deep thought, "how about a walk out in the moonlight? Y/N, you like the moon, right?"

"Not this scene"

"Forget the movies, I am serious. You enjoy looking at the stars and the moon and today is full moon."

"What?!" Blitzo's reaction made us both jump.

All of a sudden, he got all weird, rambling on about something and left in a hurry. We waited till the door slowly closed itself, as I looked to my friend, "What's wrong at looking at the full moon?"

"Beats me. You are still hungry?"

"You bet I am!" why waist good food on a night like this? Sascha stayed with me, as he took Blitzo's seat and we enjoyed ourselves with jokes and weird conversations about everything. Just like the good old times.

For the tall imp was it a similar night, only with a few more extras to take care of.

He had to spend it with a certain owl and his special needs to keep his business running. However, his mind wasn't really paying attention to the Goetia. It got so bad, that he accidentally said my name towards Stolas. The owl didn't mind that, as he knew how much I mean to him. Blitzo shuddered as the prince got all cute with him, "Send my best regards to that darling girl of yours Blitzy."

"Stay away form her!"

"As you wish darling. Speaking of stay, why don't you join me at the harvest moon festival?"

The tall imp listened to the owl rambling on about this event, thinking about something.

"This might work"

"What will work Blitzy?"

"That's none of your business...and stop calling me that!"

The prince noticed something on the imp's face, as a smile formed on his face, "You are thinking of her, aren't you?"

"So what?"

"Why don't you take her with you and your staff? I am sure she would like to go there. Especially when you are around"

For Blitzo was it already planned in his head. The first ne that got the news was Moxxie and his wife. Since they come from the wrath ring, he assumed that they would enjoy going there of the festival. I received a call later on. My head was spinning from all the wine we eliminated last night. Sascha is sure hard to beat in this game.

After the tenth ring, I picked it up, "What the fuck Blitz, its too early for this!"

"Its 6 am, don't be a wuss"

"This wuss needs her sleep!"

"You can get it on your way to the wrath ring"

I raised a brow at this, "Wrath ring? Are we going wrestling?"

Blitzo sighted, "No, its where my employees come from. There's a festival and I want you to join us. I will pick you up in half an hour, get ready bye..."


"But I don't want to...Blitz...Blitzo?!!!!!!! Ah fuck it...."

The hellhound wasn't knocked out as I was, helping me get into the van. The tall imp looked irritated, as Sascha threw me over his shoulders, "Sorry man, she had too much to drink last night"

"No problem, just throw her in here"

Once sitting inside, I fell sideways towards the imp, drooling over his coat. Sascha couldn't help but laugh, "You sure you want to take her in this condition?"

"She can sleep it off while we get there. Sorry that the date didn't go as planned."

"Never mind, I kept her company, so its cool. Take good care of her this time Blitzo."

"What do you think I do this whole time?"

The hound rolled his eyes, "Mainly fuck it up. Let me know when you come back."

"You bet"

During the ride, I moved around, drooling even worse, followed by mumbling.


He sighted deeply, "I knew she didn't like it"

"...fuck...tall...Uhu...glue stick...Uhu..."

The imp raised a brow, "What the fuck are you dreaming woman?!"

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