part 13

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*1 and ½ year later*

Jensen's POV

He opened his eyes as he felt a weight on him and saw a naked Y/N sleeping peacefully on his chest. He slowly kissed the top of her head and let his lips break into a little smile. “Staring at someone who is asleep is a little creepy,” she teased as her voice vibrated against his bare chest.

“I wouldn't say that. It's romantic, haven't you seen Twilight?” He asked as she opened her eyes to meet with his own. 

“I did, and in case you forgot, you're not a vampire and even if you were one, your head would be lying on the floor by now,” she gave a threatening reply. 

“Ooh scary, Mrs Ackles,” he said and leaned in close to kiss her on the lips. 

That kiss escalated from a simple peck to a passionate one very quickly. They both stopped and looked at the door, however, when they heard two loud knocks. “Ugh,” Jensen sighed and they both quickly got dressed. “Y/N, I guess he needs a diaper change,” they heard Dean complain. 

She silently chuckled, “Where's Sam?” she asked as she picked their son up. 

“Ah! You know him; he went to maintain his body and everything,” Dean informed her.

After they had their son, Jensen had to leave again due to him being an actor, but luckily he got a break later and he used that three months of freedom to stay with Y/N and their son. Dean had thrown a punch at his face for knocking up his sister, but that’s all just water under the bridge now. 

Dean and Sam both adored his one year old a lot. He had a hard time explaining to his parents about Y/N, but he somehow managed to make them understand what had actually happened.

After that, he got married to Y/N. Allison had a hard time pretending to the media that Y/N is actually her twin sister, but thanks to her good acting skills, she convinced them. Y/N got some hate from fans, but they were able to get past that and the fans made their peace with Y/N marrying Jensen eventually.

He stepped out of the room and went to see Y/N rocking little Samuel Dean to sleep. He smiled and went close to her, “So did you think about it?” He asked with a little grin. 

“No, Jensen. It's not happening,” she replied with her voice a little above a whisper, careful not to wake up the little one in her arms.

“Why not? Little Sammy could totally use the company,” he suggested. 

“Oh, did he tell you that?” she asked, raising her brows at him. 

“Kind of..” he whispered in her ear. She just rolled her eyes and didn't care to argue about it. She put him to bed and went to Dean. 

With all the spells they've gotten over the years, they found a way to travel between universes. Dean loved coming back to Jensen’s world, considering he could use all the luxury and the showers that his brother-in-law provided. Sam, on the other hand, found it kind of annoying how Dean showed no shame in enjoying all the privileges. 

Bobby didn't travel, but whenever Y/N went back to their world, he spent a good amount of time with their son. Jensen’s mind wandered back to the first time he met Y/N; sure, she looked like his best friend and all that. He fondly smiled at the memory of her calling him Justin and the time when she patched him up, after he had foolishly stabbed himself with the blade. 

In fact, he fondly smiled at every single memory he had with her whenever he stayed there. Especially the memory of when he kissed her for the very first time. Lately he's been trying his hardest to convince Y/N to have another baby with him, but it hasn’t really seemed to work . She kept complaining about the morning sickness, which he felt a little bit bad about the fact that he wasn't there for her during that time.  

“Y/N, please think about it again. We can have one more,” he requested of her again. 

“Why Jensen? Why do you wanna have another baby so badly?” She asked, raising her brows at him and crossing her arms over her chest.

Your POV

After Castiel died, you never thought you would ever fall in love again but meeting Jensen proved you wrong. You fell for him more and more every single day, but that didn’t mean you wanted to have another baby. You were not ready to go through the whole pregnancy thing again. 

So, when he practically begged you to have another baby, you really wanted to understand. “Why Jensen? Why do you wanna have another baby so badly?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest and raising your brows at him. 

“Because Y/N.. I.. want to experience the whole thing with you. The whole thing, the first kick, feeling the life we created together, Y/N. I want to experience it all,” he said with desperation filling his voice. You smiled adorably at him as he made his point but you just pretended to ignore everything he said when he gazed at you. 

Sam finally came back from the gym and it looked like he cleaned up in between. For some reason, he was in his best look that day. 

You stared at him suspiciously. “What?” He asked you, “nothing, you just don't usually clean up this well,” you said what was on your mind. 

“Oh well… I..” he stuttered as he was at a loss for words. 

“It's for his girlfriend,” Dean said, coming to the room where you all stood right now. 

“Girlfriend?” you asked in surprise. “Wow.. really.. who is she?” you asked your husband's look-alike. 

“She said she'd be here in a few,” Dean answered. 

“Seriously?! How did I not know about this?” you asked them. 

“Yeah how did we not know about this?” Jensen joined you. 

“Well you do now,” Sam answered. 

“Alright, who is this girl?” you asked him. 

“You'll find out,” Sam said and went to check himself. 

You went to open the door as you heard the bell. You stood there in shock “Allison?” you asked as you let her in. Your look-alike glanced at you and then looked away. Sam came out and Allison blushed at the sight of him. “Wait… you and Allison?” you asked in surprise. 

“Kind of.. yes,” Allison answered hesitantly. You were speechless after finding out about it. 

“Wait, that's the reason you keep coming here so often?” Jensen asked Sam and he nodded in response.

Sam stepped closer to Allison and pulled her into a kiss. You and Jensen exchanged glances, and you went near him when he threw his arm around your shoulder. You both stared at the couple you just found out about, watching as they slowly started falling in love, which made you feel nostalgic.

Later, Jensen gave Sam the talk because Allison is his best friend and he felt protective of her. Dean just rolled his eyes at him, but Sam let him give the lecture because he too gave that same lecture to Jensen when he asked you to marry him.

After that you pulled Jensen aside, “I think I'm ready for another one,” you whispered in his ear. 

“Really?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at you with excitement in his voice. 

“Really.” you confirmed and pulled him into a kiss.

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