Karlnap ~ Moving in!

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~Third person POV~

"I'm so excited to move in with you!" Sapnap said full of joy, he was really excited, he had been dreaming of this day. But, of course he didn't want to tell all of there fans because they would go crazy. So, they decided they would keep this as there little secret. "I'm very excited too, but remember we have to keep this to ourselves." Karl said, he knew it was for the best. This should be a secret, until they were BOTH ready to tell the whole internet. "I need to go now Karl, I'll talk to you later okay?" Sapnap said, he was really excited to move in yet so nervous. "Bye sappy nappy!" Karl said and added a little giggle at the end. 

~Karl's POV~

I can't stop thinking about sapnap moving in. God, what is wrong with me? Do I...like him? NO NO!!!! He's just my best friend! Plus, he'll never like me. I am excited he is moving in though, I'll be able to talk to him every second of my life....I'll be able to have him, for myself? That sounds very obsessive but, whatever.  I just probably need to calm myself down. OH WAIT, I need to clean up! Sapnap arrives TOMORROW!!!! 

~The next day~

EEEEKKK!!! SAPNAP ARRIVES TODAY!!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! I've already cleaned up, I've prepared the guest room and everything. I am so happy right now!! 


Hm, someone texted me? Oh! It's sapnap!

                                                         My obsession~

My obsession~

"Hey Karl, I've already landed. See

you very soon bby /p"


                                                                  "See you soon too babe! I can't wait 

                                                                                                     to see you too,

                                                                               I like how we talk like this

                                                           and then we just put "platonic" XD /p"

My obsession~

"Well, we aren't dating Karl, plus we are fiancés

in the roleplay lol"


                                                      I'm driving to pick you up right now, love 


My obsession~

I love you too, now stop texting! NO


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