Death Isn't Supposed to Happen to 15 Year Old's

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That's a good question. 

Why me?

Why her?

Why us?

Why. That was the question on Molly Weasley's mind after she woke up on the morning of December 26th 1994. It was the question on Arthur's mind as he raced home from work the night before. It was the question on Ron, Ginny, George, and Fred's minds as they were sent home from Hogwarts instead of staying for the holidays like they had planned. It was the question on Bill's mind as he apparated home. It was the question on Charlie's mind as he flooed into his parents fireplace. It was the question on Percy's mind as he read the tear-stained letter his mother had sent. It was the question on Cedric Diggory's mind as he stared blankly at his dorms wall. It was the question on Hermione Granger's mind as she stared at the empty seat next to her in the library while trying to hold back her tears. Most importantly though, it was the question on Gabrielle Weasley's mind as she stared at her friends and family longing to hug them, to tell them that she was okay.

Gabrielle Weasley, born on June 15th 1979. Now a 15 year old girl, died without warning on Christmas night of 1994. Gabrielle had been a perfectly healthy girl, or so everyone thought. Gabrielle's family hadn't realized that she suffered from an unknown Heart Disease, incurable and devastating. Gabby felt no pain and the only symptom was a runny nose that she had complained about since forever but she claimed it was just allergies. It wasn't.

The nights that followed Ginny Weasley didn't sleep. She missed her sister's sniffles that had annoyed her up until now. Ron was quite the opposite. Ron didn't get out of bed or eat anything for days. George and Fred were silent, no more pranks they vowed. Her sister acted like she hated them, although she secretly loved them.  Bill and Charlie spent all of their time outside doing yardwork. Molly kept herself busy in the kitchen, while Arthur spent all his time at work. It was the same thing everyday, everyone had a "routine." 

Gabrielle watched her family from above and broke down. She had broken her family and she couldn't fix it.

Xoxo From Heaven - Gabrielle WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now