Part 7

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Getting close to Benny, holds her shoulder and pushes her into the house like a robot. "I wish not to speak about what you just saw now. I want Justina investigated" can you help me? Purple lowered her voice, making sure her eyes do not come in contact with that of Benny.

Benny likes gossip and also hates Justina. In as much as she wanted to talk about what she just saw, and tease Purple about it, she desperately wants to know why Purple wants Justina followed. The line 'i want Justina followed' hit her in a different way.

"Why?" Unconsciously raising her eye lids, She asked anxiously, mockingly adding, " isn't she your friend you trusted so much"

See, Benny I really do not have time for such jokes. Get a journalist or private investigator, don't bother negotiating prize, instruct him or her to follow Justina and take note of what ever she does, who she meets and where she goes. Purple said commandingly, as Benny pretends to be terrified

Oh! I'm so terrified, can't you see, I'm shaking so much Benny said mockingly as she picks up a throw pillow on the couch beside her, hits Purple on the head, shouting on top of her voice "who said you could command me at will? I haven't given you that right"

Purple did not feel the pressure of the throw pillow, unlike most African ladies, she has a full hair.

Back in Mr Bernard's house...

Purple's mum, had just come from the market, she had bought a lot of food stuffs against the preparation of tomorrow's visit and had stocked all of them in the fridge. There was more than enough fuel in the generator, just in case the electricity goes off.

Purple didn't tell Daniel she was taking him to her parents tomorrow. She didn't feel the need for the introduction.

Getting home late in the afternoon, goes in her pool to swim and forget whatever it is that was going on around her.

Purple's house is not so big, but it is comfortable. A little paradise on Earth. Her compound is spacious, there is a swimming pool at the front, a stream and a garden at the back. Every aspect of her building has the touch of green especially her room. One good reason she fell in love with the restaurant Justina brought her the other day

She felt too lazy to cook so she just lay on her couch, curling up herself, watch a romantic movie. Just then, there was a flash back of what happened earlier today. Her heart beat began to race as she touched her lips and let's out a cute smile.

Without noticing how tired she was, slept off.

It was early the next morning, Benny had woken up early, she went to Daniel and urged him to get ready as soon as possible. She was certain that Purple had forgotten about the arrangements so she needed to take Daniel to her so they both can meet with Purple's parents.

Purple's mum  had also woken up early, she has a lot of foods to prepare and also needed to take her bath and put on a very nice make up... putting on a make over obviously takes a lot of time and patience.

Mr Bernard, being a nice and caring husband will not let her do all the cooking, there were no maids at home. Despite being so rich they didn't let a stranger come into their home as an house help.

While Purple's mum prepared the soups, Mr Bernard took charge of the pounded yam. He also pounded a little fufu.

They prepared a lot of soups, fried and jollof rice and also baked a red velvet cake. It is Purple's favourite cake, coincidentally, it is also Daniel's favorite. There were plenty of fruits and drinks. The dinning looks like they were having a royal feast

Already 9 o'clock, Purple was still sleeping when she heard a knock on the door, slightly opens her eyes, about to sleep again when she heard Benny's voice, stands up and goes to open the door.

"If only you know how much I hate you Benny" Purple said faintly, half awake, half asleep,in withoutng Daniel standing. Just about then Daniel greets her.

Huh? In surprise Purple widens her eyes, cleaning them properly with both hands. Her expression was hilarious that Benny couldn't help but laughing. Daniel maintained some sort of calmness.

"Don't worry you look cute" Daniel says smiling.

Purple had never seen him smile, it was heavenly and she couldn't help but wish to always watch him smile. No, Purple couldn't wish for such a thing. It was her little heart wishing unconsciously.

"Why have you come? I haven't sent for you" Purple says as she walks towards the couch letting Daniel and Benny get in through the door

"Oh God! Benny hits her forehead slightly. This is my problem with you, come on, go and get ready. You and Daniel will be having launch with uncle and aunty this afternoon"

Benny how come your mouth is so wide? Purple murmured

Ignoring Purple's word, pushes her towards her room. Come on, I will help you choose a dress. I'm very good at things like this.

Stepping out from her room, Daniel's eyes widened. Yes! Purple had always been cute but he's never seen her so damn hot.

She was wearing a black long revealing dress, a v shaped neck, the shape of her pointed boobs  and nipples was revealing as she was not wearing a bra, her make over was just too perfect. Purple knows the right make up for the right dress. Her dark African skin was glittering, her blue bright eyes and well styled natural African hair was a 💯 pass mark to her beauty.

If Daniel is not called back to the present then his eyes will surely fall off. Noticing how lost Daniel was, Benny whispered in his ears, "I bet you want to eat her all up" . Daniel recalled and smiled. If given the chance, he would surely devour her. She's damn too hot and sexy, no normal and healthy man here on Earth wouldn't want to have her in their bed.

Neither Benny nor Purple was online yesterday. After lunch, Purple decided to spend a little time at home before going back. Her parents also wouldn't let Daniel leave without her so he had to wait until she was ready to go. She picked up her phone and went online just to see that she was trending again

Leaked: Purple in a fake relationship with boyfriend

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