part 8

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Purple was startled, her expression changed immediately.

Leaving her parents house, went straight to Benny's. Her drive with Daniel back home was a quiet one as no one took the initiative of talking to each other first.

Tears dropping from her eyes, "Benny if it were someone else who betrayed me I won't have been this hurting so much, coming from you..." Shakes her head

Confusion was written all over Benny's face. She's practically not aware of what Purple is saying though she could see how deeply she's hurt, her eyes showed nothing but sadness, disappointment and betrayal, her bright and beautiful eyes have become dim and ugly. It was an another Purple standing in front of her. Rather than getting angry and, pulling her hair, the Purple in front of her felt weak.

Benny I'm very sure I loved you more than my own life. You shouldn't have done this to me

Benny's heart was pierced, loved? What is Purple even saying? Benny would rather let Purple curse her and pull her hair than being this emotional. Wait, she just said loved. Benny's eyes pops out, she felt her whole body become cold and stiff.

She might not survive it if she looses Purple as a best friend, her life revolves around her, that is just how much she loves her. She could only try to find herself and murmured "Purple I don't understand anything"

"Really?" Then go online, then you will understand the amount of damage you've caused.

Turning to face Daniel who has been there all along speaks up "Daniel we are both leaving here. Go into your room and bring your luggages. I will pay you twice what she pays you every month". Purple didn't wait for an answer before highlighting him she was waiting outside as she leaves.

Benny fell to the couch beside her. It seems her world just crumbled. The phone in her hand fell to the hard surface of the ground and the screen got broken. She could feel tears dropping from her eyes but wasn't able to control it.

Daniel could no longer watch her so he went inside took his belongings and left with Purple. If it were up to him, she wouldn't leave Benny in that state but he loves Purple so much that he couldn't compromise. He was yet unaware of what is going on, he wasn't a social media person but then, whatever it is that happened or is happening could be the chance to winning Purple over and making her his woman he thought and smiled to himself.

The journey was rather too long, there were journalist already at the entrance of Benny's compound waiting to hear what she has to say about it. She's not been going to work for her very long time now but all these saga about her still keeps her at the limelight. Benny was actually not in the mood to see anyone, seeing so many reporters and media houses crowding her compound from a distance, revises the car.

"I will see if I can get an apartment for you to live in"  Purple actually has no plans of letting Daniel live with him. It will only cause more commotion when people know about it. She has contacted a few persons and will be checking out the houses. She might spend the night there and not go back to those jobless journalists.

The first apartment the agent took them to was a one room and palour apartment. The interior decorations were okay but definitely not what she was looking for. She might decide to spend the night and would definitely not sleep in the same room with him because she can't guarantee that she would be able to control herself not to have sex with him. She needed at least a three bedroom flat.

The second choice was just the perfect match for Purple. She loved it and immediately paid for it.

The house was neat so they did not have much work. They settled in almost immediately.

Knocking on Purple's door and taking her permission to go in, sits on the couch beside the bed and asked "do you want to talk about today?"

I would love to but I will be fine. Things like this happens

Really? I didn't know that things become fine easily. I heard a problem shared is half solved and yes, looking like this doesn't suit Daniel kept speaking and trying to be a coach, Purple was lost in thoughts, all she saw was a rare beauty in a man. She forgot about everything and everybody. All she wanted was to have this man to herself. Her thoughts got the best of her as her body couldn't resist. She draws close to Daniel and locks her lips deeply in that of Daniel, nothing matters now. The kiss was deep and vigorous, they could feel each other's hot breath, Daniel carries her to himself as the kiss becomes more intense, soon the rain started drizzling, the weather was cold, It was early April.

Carrying her on the bed, kisses every bit of her while using one of his hands to caress her boobs. Obviously she was braless. Her boobs were still firm and pointed, round and tempting. Daniel has always wanted to have it so he won't let this opportunity pass by.

This is just the perfect weather for intense romance

Making sure Purple was already in the mood for more, separate his lips from her, carefully pushing her transparent white v neck nightwears which she had gone to buy after moving here to the side, to reveal the nipples and rest of the boobs, uses his mouth to locate it. While still caressing the left boobs with his hand, sucks the right boobs as if his whole life depended on it. He could hear Purple's soft tunes, which added a lot of pleasure to the moment.

Sooner or later, they both realized themselves and separated from each other

Unable able to look at Purple, Daniel apologizes and immediately leaves the room. For some reasons, Purple did not feel bad about it.

Daniel is engrossed in guilty conscience, in as much as he felt happy for being able to caress and such those beautiful tender boobs, he felt guilty for taking advantage of Purple's situation.

Soon his phone rang. It was a nanny from Benny house. Picking up his call, could feel panicking and tension from the other end. Speaking up, nanny Ify asked him to come over if possible with Purple. Benny has just fainted.

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