How to get away with mental murder

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Silvers POV:

Step one: lower their self esteem a little bit. Make them seek validation from you.

Step two: assert dominance. Let them know who's boss.

Step three: put your foot on there necks and hope that you have Tim's on because then they will never get up.

Mental murder is a art only a true heartless person can do.

It requires skill and good timing.

You get someone vulnerable and than you slice them with a knife as soon as they turn their back.

"I love you" "i miss you" "I promise"

Those word mean nothing to me.

If you cant tell yet i'm fully aware of how shitty i am.

"jennifer if you walk out that door you'll have nobody and you'll die alone." i say to this pathetic piece of flesh you guys would call a human.

You'd think she'd leave my ass by now.

Its sad. She lets me treat her like this cause she had no father figure to show her how a woman is supposed to be treated.

i could make this girl lick the floor if i wanted too.

Her mom was weak. She couldn't live without a man.

You would probably assume that she would see that herself but naw, she thinks i'm some metaphorical replacement for her deadbeat daddy. That was heavily abusive i might add.

She followed right in her sorry ass mother's footsteps. Abandonment is this girls middle name.

but i don't like this. This isn't fun.

It is impossible to break something that is evidently already broken.

i want something new and fresh. I don't want some washed up used and abused bitch that is trying to use me as an emotional outlet for her own shitty ass problems.

At first this was a joke messing with her but now i think the hoe actually gone die if i ever leave her ass.

But guess how many fucks i give.

not one.

"Goodbye." i say pickin up my backpack off the couch and walkin towards the door.

"Are you coming back daddy." she says sniffilin up her tears following close behind me.

see this is her problem. she is constantly calling me daddy. It was sexy at first when she would do it during sex but all the time? its just weird now.

u better go rely on that bitch nigga  and leave me out of it.

Her sex not even that good frl.

"No" i say slamming the door in her face then giggling when i hear her begin to cry.

sensitive ass hoe.

She really need to go find a father figure cause it ain't fucking me.

I walk up to my car and jump in.

I drive and make it to my best friends house.

Her name is Blawnca and she's a short ass pretty boy stud and a fucking simp at that.

Only the lord himself knows how much this girl gos through because of my ass.

I pull up to her house and see an unfamiliar car in the drive way.

I pray it's a gullible bad bitch.

She really stopped bringing her fem frriends around me because in her words "im a toxic heartbreaker." and I mean she not wrong.

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