Have you ever kissed a girl? ✨

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Silvers POV:

"Where the hell is all of my staff johnny." I yell at this lousy excuse for an employee.

White boy johnny is crazy afraid of me cause I yell at him like a black mother.

Shit not sliding in my corporation.

I run a delivery service.

We deliver packages for blawncas website and business and many other small businesses.

She sells sex toys, swings and all that nasty shit.

Her business is not really considered small anymore.

She has a store as well. Multiple actually.

Plus she does porn with dj but I could never watch my best friend get fucked by wwe smack down herself.

Her business is very successful and thriving but she fell out with the post office and stuff so now she just uses my postal services for 40% off.

It's a magnificent deal we have.

Just now for some reason nobody wanted to fucking come into work today.

"I d-dont know miss but I can-"

"Save it Johnny, we're splitting the packages today, you take half and ill take the other half."

He just nods and scurrys away like the little girl he is.

"Oh and last thing fire everyone who was supposed to come in today and didn't."

I hear him whimper in agony.

5 hours later....

I'm just delivered the last package and I get into the truck.

I get ready to pull before I got a text.

It's blawnca.

Lord know I owe her another ass wholping for inviting them gay ass bitches to the zoo to basically hit on me.

I'll be damned.

But never the less that's still my best friend and still the only female Ill ever love.

Headache 🙄💘
Bae why u ignoring me? 🥺

Oh yeah I forgot to tell y'all I'm ignoring the shit out of her cause why tf she keep fucking bringing me around that colorist ass bitch.

Ion even got a problem with blue, my beef is with poetry slick ass.

She to fine to be waking wrong talking about my skin color when she brighter than the sun itself.

And apparently they be fucking.

Yeah I asked blawnca what they are and she said they best friends but be fucking on the low.

She said they both really really really nasty and be fucking girls together.

After she told me that, I asked well "what did they want with me."

And this bitch had the absolute nerve to say "oh they want to fuck you"


They think they gone run a train on my little ass.

My inner freak in me just said "Choo choo".

Damn you disgusting mind set.

But dead ass why the hell they both want to fuck me.

Both of them?

They just nasty tryna include me in they gay ass life style.

I already made it clear I'm mean as shit and I'm not into that nasty shit they be doing.

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