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It was May 14, 1961. Walburga Black was in St. Mungo's hospital. She was giving birth to her third and final child.

"Congratulations Mrs. Black, it's a girl!" The healer announced.

"No. I don't want it. I want only three boys. Three boys, all one year apart. That was the plan. I don't want a girl," Walburga said in disgust. Right then, Sirius (who was two), Regulus (who was one) came in the room with their father, Orion Black, holding them.

"What is all this fuss about?" Orion asked.

"It's a girl," Was his wife's response.

"Yay! I have a sister!" Sirius said excitedly. "What is her name Mommy?"

"Sirius, we are not keeping this baby. It is a disgrace," Walburga replied.

"No no! You hafta keep her! Please?" Sirius begged.

"NO!" Walburga shouted

"Pwetty pwease?"


"Walburga, maybe we should keep it. Your sister-in-law has three girls now, and you don't see her giving newborn Andromeda away. We could marry her off and make us richer. " Orion said, secretly wanting a baby girl.

"Fine, we will keep it. But we need a name," Walburga pointed out.

"Mommy! Mommy! You should name her Curious that rhymes with my name!" Sirius exclaimed. "Star names are yucky anyways!"

"Sirius Orion Black, star names are NOT 'yucky'. " Walburga scolded. "But I think the name Trinity is a sensible name for it. Trinity means triad. Triad means three. She's the third child. Her name is now Trinity Walburga Black,"

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