The Gods Fire

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Part i

"Malla." "Pride." Both of the gods said in unison. Their names echoed in the hallway they were in. "Wrath has become stronger again." Malla said with a blank face. "Indeed, I foresee that Sarcha-" "Don't use his real name." Said the god of Greed with anger tinting her voice. Her fur flowed like the galaxy as she began to steam with anger. "I know that he will soon break out of his chains and be let loose. We can't have another universe-ending disaster happen because of him.

"I do agree, Malla, but cant we just lock him up again?" Pride said with confusion in her voice. "No, we can't. We locked him up with the last of the godly beings' power with his dead body. And where is that body now? Gone! If we six gods alone try to stop him we won't have enough power." Pride didn't know what to say. She had never talked back much. It hurt her ego and pride. "Fine!" She snapped at Malla and walked up to her. "I'll do it myself! I Don't care if you think it's impossible for us six alone! I am the second most powerful god here and I will prove it!" She started to walk by Malla and strode down the hallway with pride in her eyes. "It wont work."

Pride whipped her head around and asked. "What do you mean 'it wont work'?" Malla stood still facing her back to Pride. "I mean it won't work. Wrath has built up his rage for thousands of years. Do you think you can defeat the literal god of destruction, anger, and wrath? Whose power has been stored and building up to an unimaginable force? We could be killed by this!" The Doeclaw stood there in silence. Killed? Why would Malla say this? "We cannot be killed! We are gods!-" "But gods can be killed by other gods. The reason we didn't kill Wrath is because the structure of Felidine itself would be crushed and the meaning of this universe would be meaningless. Chaos would spread, killings among killings, cats would think this is the end of the world. All because Wrath would be dead. He keeps the anger, chaos and destruction in this world in peace and order."

She took a breath before speaking again. "If we kill him everything will go wrong." Malla said to Pride before walking away to her library. Pride was still as a statue, this revelation was awful. If Wrath died everything would fall into pure chaos! Who would want a world where the gods were so greedy they killed one another and led the world into an apocalypse? There goes her plans to kill the others for power. She sighed and proceeded to walk down the ornate hallway away into her chess room. Now only time will tell when Wrath unleashes his rage and escapes.

"Hello Aster," Pride said as she walked into the giant chess room. The walls of the room were ornamented in marble and obsidian and giant balck and white chess pieces in the middle of the room added even more grandeur. "Hi Pride! Are you ready for our game?" The ghost cat said excitedly as he walked over to her. His eyes were blocked out by big exes. Aster's waist was very skinny. You could almost see his nonexistent ribs. Aster was a former Shadeclaw when he was alive. His black and orange fur was beautiful. You could almost forget he was a mentally insane cat who was severely deprived at the time.

Pride walked over to the giant chess pieces on one side and Aster on the other. "Ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be hehe!" She smiled at this response before speaking again. "Let the game begin!" "You mean chess game?" Said Aster with a sly grin. ".... yes the chess game."

Part ii 

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