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hiiii! i finished the tests last week, wooooooo. anyway, uh hope u enjoyed :]
1319 words

"there are so many things i want to do to your body george... i want to touch you all over, mark you up. declare my property." dream whispered softly in george's ear. the brit blushed, looking up at the blonde. "then do it."

he grinned, quickly grabbing george by the waist and pinning him down on the bed. using one hand to tie his arms above his ahead, dream began pressing gentle kisses on george's fragile neck, leaving even more marks than there already were. the brunette whimpered, tugging aimlessly at dream's hair. he attempted to grind against the blonde's body, wanting so desperately to get some sort of friction. "p-please, need you so badly!" he moaned out.

"tell me how badly you want me. tell me how badly you need me, maybe then i'll consider letting you even close to my body." he demanded, using his other hand to pin george down by the waist. "a-ah! need you so badly! want you! fuck- make me feel good, make me moan, make me scream!" george babbled, his mind too fuzzy to comprehend what he just said.

"good boy." dream praised, gently gliding the tip of his finger over george's nipple. "mhm! yes- feel so good." he mumbled again incoherently.  "god, i love you so much." the blonde whispered, moving his hand down further, gently teasing the brit's V line.

dream grinned, easing the tight grip on both of george's wrist. with one swift movement, he had george stripped of his pants, his only remaining clothing being his boxers. "you want this so bad, don't you, slut?" george was taken aback by the name, but he would've been lying if he said it didn't arouse him. "yes, yes, want this so bad."

dream grinned, gently palming george through his boxers, watching as the brit threw his head back and let out such heavenly noises. slowly lowering his mouth down, he stripped george of his final clothing, discarding it somewhere on the rug underneath them. the brunette was twisting and squirming in desperation, begging for any sort of friction. the poor thing just wanted to be touched, to be used and loved.

he couldn't help but grin at the sight in front of him. he truly was in love with george, and it wasn't just because of his body, he truly was the best thing that ever happened to dream.

finally, his tongue collided with the tip of the other's dick. he let out a low whine, digging his head into his pillow.

dream continued to swirl his tongue around the tip, stopping to suck it at times. he listened as the boy beneath him made more heavenly noises. he could genuinely listen to them all day. once he decided the brit had enough teasing, he slowly began taking in george's full length. after adjusting to someone's dick inside of his mouth, he bobbed his head up and down, swirling his touch around one of the veins. "a-ah! feels so good, need more, please!" the brit murmured, gripping onto the white sheets below him.

he grinned, taking in george's full length, his tongue slowly gliding across each small vein popping out. "ngh- so close!" he wailed, thrusting his hips up. the blonde barely gagged, his nose pressing against george's lower abdomen. he continued teasing the poor brit, making sure he was able to hear all of his beautiful moans, whimpers, and groans. with one finally lick across the tip, george came all over dream's face, some falling into his mouth.

the room was silent, the only sound being george's small pants as dream swallowed the cum left in his mouth. using his finger, he wiped away all the semen on his face or had fallen. turning back to george, he cleaned off the remaining cum from his dick. the brit let out small whimpers, his whole body sore.

realizing how tired george was, he decided that would be enough since he didn't want to overstimulate him. "come on, let's go clean you up alright?" he whispered, gently picking up the brit bridal style. the boy in his hands nodded, letting himself be taken away and treated.

once he finished setting up the bath tub, he laid the small brunette in the water. george let himself rest there, feeling soothed by the bubbly water and the cute boy scrubbing his body. after cleaning him, dream picked him back up and seating him on the toilet seat while he drained the water.

picking up one of the towels, he gently dried george off, making sure to kiss his small forehead when drying his hair. while the brunette was enjoying the peace and quiet of the room, he had picked out his clothing and brought it here. "can you stand up for me pretty boy?" dream whispered, holding out a pair of boxers. the brit nodded, standing up and leaning against the blonde's shoulder as he helped him put on his boxers.

they took their sweet time changing george, the room being quiet. it wasn't an awkward silence, more as of a comfortable and relaxing one. finally, there was only george's sweater to put on. it was white hoodie with a big smiley face, dream's merch. he grinned, slipping it over gogy's shoulders. once it was fully on him, he poked his head out of the sweater, his eyes meeting dream's. "heheh, hi." he giggled, his eyes glistening with pure joy and happiness.

"hi" he whispered back, pressing a small kiss to george's cheek. the brunette smiled contently, leaning into the touch subconsciously. "what do you wanna do now?" he asked the small boy as he picked him back up. the smaller let his head rest on dream's shoulder, his hands gripping on gently to his clear white shirt. "i just wanna cuddle with you in bed, we can turn on a movie if you'd like." he whispered, barely loud enough for the blonde to hear. "but georgieeee, it's not even dark outside yet." he whined, secretly knowing he would just give in and do whatever the brit told him to. after all, he was and still is dream's weakness.

"i dont careeeee, i just want to hold you." he smiled into the other's shoulder, his hand brushing against dream's hickey covered neck. "i made those didn't i?" he said out of nowhere, tracing his finger over the several hickeys that covered dream's neck. "yeah, you certainly did." he teased, gently pecking george's nose.

he gently dropped george onto the bed, covering him in a blanket. he began walking away when he felt a small tug on his shirt. he turned around and the brit was staring up at him. "aren't you gonna join me?" he whispered, his eyes looking like he's about to cry. dream nearly wanted to just hold him in his hands, telling him that everything will be alright, but he had to remind himself that george wasn't sad, just that his eyes were sensitive to the water. he smiled, gently cupping the brit's face. "i just gave to take a quick shower and then i'll be right back out, alright?" he said, gently leaning in to kiss george. the brit nodded as he snuggled back into the covers.

dream made his way back over to the closet to collect his clothes. he decided on a black t-shirt with black sweats, nothing too formal nor casual. making his way back to the bathroom, he smiled to himself. "god, im in love aren't i?" he whispered, letting out a small giggle.


what is up my dudes??? hope u enjoyed!
hope you have an amazing rest of your day! remember to drink some water and get something to eat before bed <3

anyway i have to get back to my classes, byeeeee :]

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