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I was shaken from my thoughts as I looked out at my door. There my mom stands infront of the doorway with her arms folded.

"Milo, Santo you don't even have your shoes on and you're going to be late!" She says in an accent but very clear.

"Sorry mama, I was just looking for my text books" I say getting up and quickly putting on my converse. She gives me a look as she exits. A sigh escapes as I grab my grey ripped backpack and stared at myself in the floor mirror.

My dark green hoodie covering my scrawny figure, black ripped jeans with chains draping at my sides and my curly hair clearly getting way too long to the point their touching my eye lashes. Never the less I haven't been taking care of my self.

"Milo come have something for on the go!" My mama yells from down the stairs.

The floor boards creaks as I go down the stairs, meeting my mother handing me a warm muffin.

"You sure you don't need me to drive you Milo, I mean the motor shop isn't that far from the school-" Before my dad could say anything I assured him.

"Its fine I can skate their myself" I say grabbing my black and brown skate board from behind the shoe cabinet.

Dad was always trying to get along with me. We always used to hang out more but school was something I wanted to get rid of and fast. I hated it. I was an okay student and got B's and C's. I tried not to get noticed by other classmates. Kinda trying to be unnoticed until I had graduated. Teachers would annoy me with complements to do better cause they knew I could be a straight A student and I knew that was true. I just never tried. I did have friends so I wasn't a total loser, right?.

"Bye ma, bye pa" I say unlocking the door smelling the fresh air.

"Bye mijo remember to not stress yourself out!" My mom calls out from the front door.

"Got it!"


"Sup dude" I hear Nathaniel say next to me. I gave him a small nod in return.

That was Nathaniel, a short but well built man with the same personality of a frat boy. Granted the nicest person to actually get to know me. He wore a navy blue hoodie with our schools name and bulldog mascot in the middle and grey sweat pants. His brunnette hair parted and fell just above his shoulders.

"Dude I know the story about your old folks bit you need to move on, it won't be good for your mind" He said leaning himself against the lockers. I slam mine as I rummage a squeeze the last few books into my bag.

"Its not that it's just- I'm just thinking alot about the future and shit" I say giving him a reassuring smile.

"We have two more years chillax dude, you know what there's a party on Saturday night at Nicolas crib-"

"No no you know how I feel about parties" I say walking away

"Come on dude! Are you just gonna live your teenage life locked up in your room missing out on parties and hot chicks" I stop and turn around.


"Milo I promise I won't ask again if you atleast come party with us for one night" He says almost pleading. I hated how I couldn't turn him down.

I sigh in defeat as he starts ruffling my hair. Still it was nice to make my friend so happy even though I didnt want to go to that stupid party. I'll just be there for my best bud.

Wait did he say Saturday?


They had only died a month ago from that car crash. I remeber everything so clearly. To the phone call, the crime scene and the funeral home. It happened so quick but yet so early. They wouldnt have ever seen my graduation now. I just wanted to make them proud. They wanted me to become the film maker I wanted to be. Teaching me about old movies, ones that were in black and white and how they got their colors to what we had today. VHS that they had kept in their basement and gave them to me. Old Hollywood stories and literally everything they knew about it. Wise as they were, their wisdom will always stay with me.

"Son so anything new at school?" I heard my father say waking me from my thoughts.

"Oh maybe new club you wanted to join sports maybe?" My mother quickly continued.

"No not really, I don't want to start a film club all by myself" I say as my mom sighs. I see that my father gives my mom a quick glance but continues eating.

"Why don't you join other stuff, there might be something you might not even know you liked hm?" She says placing a roll on my plate.

"Ma I told you this, I'm not intrested in any clubs"

"Honey cut him some slack" My dad says rubbing his tired eyes.

"What I'm just trying to give him a little push that's all" She says as I roll my eyes.

"I'm just focusing on my studies right now to get into the University and finally start making films, I already have some short films saved in a file as a part of my resume"

As I say that it goes quiet. They never wanted me to become a film maker just because they never thought it was childish but they are wrong. Film is art and what would we be doing without them. Having history and such. I'll make sure they see that and one day can make them proud.

"I'm not hungry anymore, I'll be in my room"

With that I push myself off the chair and walk up the stairs. I open the door to my room. Band posters and albums are displayed on the walls. Brown wardrobes with stacks of VHS and CDs layed there. My bed a mess with blankets and pillows scattered on it. I was to tried to even bother as I looked in my closet pulling out some sweats and a white tank top. As I pulled my hoodie off I stare at myself in the mirror.

My chestnut brown skin seemingly paler from not eating as much. My hair needing needing a few inches taking off. And the dark bags under my eyes just get worse. I've also need to start eating more. I've become restless and haven't had the strength to do anything each day I'm in class.

I turn off the light as I lay back in my bed, hands behind my head.

The sound of my phone vibrated through the sheets as I press in my pin number. It was Nathaniel

Nathaniel: Sorry if my request seemed forced I just wanted you to get out of the house for once and have fun...

Milo: Its cool, I get it and I wanted to thank you for that

Nathaniel: So does this mean you'll come???

Milo: I'm only going because you are

Nathaniel: Let's gooooo!

I smile at the bright lit phone as I turn it off. I lay there staring off at the ceiling. A large black fabric poster hanging from above.

Maybe going to that party will help me. Find just the little bit of hope to just keep going.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now