My Birthday

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~The Next Day:
Today I woke up with one taught- My birthday.Thats right.I have birthday.
I got up,brushed my teeth and got dressed.
Clara: Happy Birthday Tini
Me:Thanks Clara.
*We hugged:
Clara:Do you want to know your present?
Me:Ofc I do :D
Clara: I signed a music school!!! :)
Me:Aaaaaaa,I can't believe this!!!
Me:Why it always haves a "but" :/
Clara:You have to do auditions for singing,dancing and instruments:)
Me: Me and Dancing?! You are going crazy.
Clara:But you are very good :)
Me: Oh yeah,yeah just take me to that school already.
Clara:Okay let's go.
~At the school:
Me:Studio "On Beat" ,it's awesone
Clara:Look I have to meet with the person for that job in the store I told you earlier. You go inside and introduce yourself:)
Me: But Clara..
*She walked away.I went inside and the first thing I saw was 2 girls and 1 boy:
Girl 1: Hey,my name is Lodovica,this is Candelaria and this is Facundo.
Me: I'm Martina.Nice to meet you.
Them: Nice to meet you too :)
Lodovica: We can show you around the studio. Oh and you can call me Lodo :)
Candelaria:And all my friends call me Cande :)
Facundo: And you can call me Facu :)
Me: You can call me Martina or Tini , I don't mind :)
~ A blonde girl came infront if me:
Her: Hey there! Are you new?
Me: Yes!
Lodo: This is Mercedes. She is the "Diva" of the studio.Just don't go in her traps,Because you can't get out.
Me: Okay..Thanks For The Advice .. :)
Facu: Well we have class and you have your first audition now :).
Lodo,Cande,Facu: Good Luck!
Me: Thanks!
~I started running to the audition,but I bumped into a boy:
Me: Oh I'm really sorry.I'm so clumsy..
Him: It's alright.Nothing happend,don't worry :)
Me: Okay,well bye now :)..
Him: Looks like someone is nervous.
Me: Haven't you been nervous before your first audition?!
Him: Oh so your new.That's why I never seen you.
Me: Oh good morning!!!
Him:What have I done to you now?
Me: Nothing..
Him: Okay,bye and besides my name is Jorge!
Me: Martina
~I went there and sang my song.I hope I sang it good.I had an hour before the next audition and I saw Lodo and Cande who we're already running to me:
Lodo: So..
Cande: How was it.
Lodo: Did you got in?
Me: Girls wait,Slowly..
Lodo&Cande:Tell us already.
Me: I think they liked it,but I have 2 auditions more.
Lodo: We were listening to you.I'm sure you will get in.
Me: But I can't dance at all.
Cande: That's what I taught too but look,I'm in.
Me: Can you come with me,I want to buy water.
Lodo: I have class,but Cande doesn't.
Cande: Yes, let's go :)
*We went and I bumped into that boy Jorge again:
Me: Oh can't you watch where you walk?!
Jorge: Hey to you too,and it's not my fault that you can't walk!
Me: Atleast I'm not an idiot like you.
~We started arguing but Cande pulled me to her,and then Jorge pulled a boy to him.
Then I understood that his name is Andres and he is Jorge's best friend.
Ugh that jerk haves friends?!

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