Rainy night

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Wilbur's POV

I was walking along the old train tracks. It was late but my parents didn't care if I was gone. I looked back behind me somewhat hoping a train would come by and hit me.

I sighed and kept walking. I reached the end of the tunnel and walked out. The rain pattered onto the hard concrete ground and then on my light jacket as I stepped out into the open.

I hummed a melancholy tune I made up while I breathed in the damp air.

My thoughts were getting lost as I started walking. They ended up drifting to my home life. It usually always did.

Flashbacks started playing in my head as I continued to walk along the tracks.

Starts of flashbacks, in 3rd person

"Dad Dad look! I made a picture of me you and mommy!" Wilbur said excitedly shoving a hand drawn picture of his family into his father's hands.

His father smiled warmly at him "aww I love it Wil I'll go hang it up on the wall!" He said patting Wilbur on the head.

Wilbur smiled and walked with his father to the hallway wall. His father put up the picture and then picked up Wilbur and took him to the kitchen. "It's time for lunch buddy what would you like?"


New flashback and time

Wilbur threw his backpack on the floor. "I'm home from school!" He shouted. He got no response as he went to the kitchen. "Dad? Mum?" He called out. No answer.

He walked through the house calling out for his mother and father yet no one answered. He walked up to his parents bedroom and almost fainted.

There they were lying lifeless on their bed blood everywhere. Wilbur screamed and fell to his knees sobbing. "NO NO WHY?! WHY THIS?! WHAT HAPPENED?! I CANT LOSE THEM NO!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

He grabbed the phone on the bedside table and quickly dialed 999. He explained to the operator what he came home to while sobbing.

New flashback and time

Wilbur sat quietly at the dinner table with his new adoptive family. They were nice and had two other kids. Their names were Tommy and Techno. Both were laughing and talking along with their mother and father while Wilbur sat there picking at his food. He never felt the same since his parents died.

His new mother put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Wil why don't you tell us more about your hobbies and likes? We'd love to get to know you better."

Wilbur exhaled. "Well, uh- my name is Wilbur you know that- I'm turning 13 in September- and I like to make music. I also like to draw and play video games with friends-" he said nervously.

"Aw that's lovely! What kind of music do you make?" Wilbur's adoptive mother said.

"U-uhm I like to make m-music about my feelings and events that have happened in my life- " Wilbur stammered out.

"HAH WHAT A LOSER" Tommy spat out sticking his tongue out with his missing teeth showing.

"Tommy that isn't nice! Be good to Wilbur and make him feel comfortable and welcome! You know what happened to his parents!" Wilbur's new father shouted.

"I'm a big man I can do what I want!" Tommy said proudly.

"Tommy, you're 6 that's far from a man." Techno said.

"HEY! I AM A MAN!!!" Tommy screamed and burst into tears.

Tommy's mother sighed and picked him up out of his booster chair for the table. "C'mon Tommy its time to sleep." She said.

Tommy calmed down almost immediately and hugged into his mother.

Wilbur sighed and picked up his half empty dinner plate. "Thank you for the food" he said as he politely excused himself and put his plate into the sink.

He walked up to his new room and lied down in his bed trying to relax. All the events that had happened to him in the past two months were too much to handle for him. He turned to his side and started to fall asleep.

Just as he was about to drift off Tommy walked in carefully. "Wilby..I'm sorry about dinner time..I had a nightmare and mummy, daddy, and big brother are all asleep. I'm scared" he said holding his blanket and stuff animal close to him.

Wilbur sat up and walked over to Tommy picking him up and setting him on his bed with him. "You can sleep with me tonight it's alright." He said patting him a sun turning back into his side.

Both of them fell into a deep sleep.

End of flashbacks

I smiled at the thought of my brothers. They were the only ones keeping me alive. They always cheered me up and made me laugh. But at the thought of my birth parents gave me a sinking feeling in my stomach. That case of their murder was never solved and it will always be unsolved.

It was about 4 or 5 years since they'd died but I can never get over it. I kept walking till I heard my ringtone go off. I looked at my phone seeing it was my dad. I picked up. "Hello?"

"Wilbur! Where the hell are you?! It's almost midnight your mother and I are worried sick!!" He shouted through the phone.

I sighed "Sorry- I wasn't watching my time I'll head back now.."

"Good we'll see you tomorrow morning now that we know you're safe we're going to go to sleep. Please be home soon though, we don't want anything to happen to you."

"Alright I'll be back in 20 minutes in the least"


"Good bye"

I hung up the phone and started walking back.


When I got home I entered quietly not wanting to disturb anyone. I set my coat on the coat hanger and went up to my room.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter :)

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