Nonny is Special

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Molly and Gill sketch:

"Gilly, what're you do- Gil grabbed Molly and kissed her for five seconds. IIIIIIIII! GILLY, LOOK OUT!" then a huge gust of wind blew them both off the screen.

"We're ok!"

"Well good morning everyone!" said Mr.Grouper happily.

"Good morning Mr.Grouper!"

"I have to tell you all something. Next year, you'll all are going to Kindergarten! And what I mean by that is, I'll still be your teacher, but we'll learn more things, and you'll have a little more responsibility."

"Whats "responsinility"? Asked Oona

"Responsibility is something you you have to do."

"Like when I take out the trash?" asked Gil

"Or when I put my toys away?" asked Goby

"Or when I sit on my Daddy's lap and help him with mowing?" asked Oona

"Yes, those are all responsibilities!" said Mr.Grouper

"Let's think about other responsibilities."

"It's your parents responsibility to protect you, feed you, and earn the family..."

"Money" said Molly

"Money, right!"

"And, it's the responsibility of the police, paramedics, firefighters, and Sheriff's deputies to keep us..."

"Safe!" said Nonny

"Yep, safe!"

"And, it's your all's responsibility to go here, to..."

"School." said Nonny

"Yeah, School!"

Then a song which I can't even begin to come up with played. It was about responsibilities.

Then there was the Shop scene

"Well, hellooooo there fine customer, how can I help you today?"

It was Oona

"Uh, well, I, uh,"

She swayed from side to side.


Deema looked directly at the viewer

"Welp, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go amaright?"

"Sorry, I'm back."

"Anyway, back to the shop!"

"What can I help you with?"

"I need five thousand doughnuuuuuuuts!"*hee hee*


"Nope, they're for all the penguins."

"Well why didn't ya say so!?" Here ya go!

"ありがと(arigato) thank you."

"Excuse me everyone, what time is it?"

"It's tiiiiiime for lunch!"

"What did you get for lunch Gilly?"

"I got ham and cheese! How about you Molly?"

"I got 3 cheese hotdogs! How about you Nonny?"

Nonny is SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now