Chapter 13

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Marina shoves Owen and Beatrix from behind as they reluctantly walk down the beach.

"What are you doing? We don't have time for this."

"Trust me."

Those words make Beatrix hit the brakes. "Trust you?"

"Just keep going."

Owen gasps when he looks up. The giant girl crouches and stares at the three of them.

Beatrix grabs his arm in fear.

Marina stands in front of them. "Guys, this is Sarah."

 "...Hi?" the two of them say in unison.

"Oh," Marina says suddenly. "The merchant works out of the bookshop." She pounds her fist in her other hand.

"I thought you didn't know anything?" Beatrix turns.

"I just remembered." Marina crosses her arms to mimic her.

"How convenient."

The giant one looks away at the sound of her mom calling her name.

"Quick." She opens up her purse and lays it flat on the sand. "I can take you partway."

Marina starts towards the bag but seeing as the others arent following she doubles back.

"Let's go." She nods her head to the open bag.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Beatrix says, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"What other choice do you have?" She grabs Owen by the hand, who in turn takes Beatrix by the wrist. Marina drags them both forward. Beatrix takes a deep exhale as they plunge into darkness.


"How far do you think she'll take us?" asks Beatrix.

"I can get us there the rest of the way." Owen answers.

"So can I. I've seen a lot more than you have." Marina snaps at him.

"I grew up here."

"Sure you have, island boy."

"You're..nothing but a water rat." Owen stammers, not knowing how else to respond.

Beatrix then suddenly bursts out laughing. The two of them stop arguing and face her, confused. Her laughter is contagious, and Owen soon joins in. Marina frowns and sits down cross-legged in a huff, the bag not offering anywhere to run off to.

"I'm sorry," Owen says in between his giggles, placing a hand on Marina's shoulder. Marina flinches at the touch, 

Owen sits down in front of her, wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry." He repeats. Marina sees it in his eyes that he is being genuine. 

"You're an idiot." She knocks his arm away, smiling a little as she does.

Beatrix hugs herself and looks away from that scene. Maybe Marina really did have no other choice, and even if she did, she is here now, helping her find Skater. What happened before is in the past.

Just then everything stops, and then light pours in from above. The hand of Sarah comes down, gently grabbing the three of them. They are released onto the branch of a tree. 

"Sorry I can't get you any closer. Good luck." Sarah whispers as she runs off to catch up with her mother.

"I told you not all of them are bad." Marina reminds Beatrix, looking at her over her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." Beatrix rolls her eyes and lifts up a leaf to view their environment. A large expanse of road separates them and the bookstore. "Your girl better be right about this place," she calls out as she is already scaling down the tree.

"Beatrix, wait." Owen follows down after her.

'This girl will never change.'  Marina shrugs her shoulders as she starts climbing down.


The three of them throw off their garbage disguises after they are hidden under a cart of books.

"Okay. Here's the plan. You two go to the front entrance. I'll go through the back. Don't let anyone see you." She stops mid-sentence when she spots Beatrix vibrating. "Remember, the bookshelves are a great place to move around undetected." She looks to Owen. "I'll meet you guys at the main desk."

Owen nods his head. "Okay, but counter-argument, why aren't you coming with us?" He asks.

"The merchant has henchmen ready at the back of the building. I'm going to take care of them."

"By take care of, do you mean..."

"Don't worry about it."

Owen opens his mouth, about to say something, but Beatrix pulls him away. 

Beatrix stops before they go inside. "For the record, I'm glad you stayed with us."

Marina lightly smiles. "I'll see you guys inside."


They climb up on the lowest tier of the bookshelf. She cranes her head to look at the tall book before them.

"How will we get up there?"

"Got it covered." Owen takes out a coil of floss with a jumping jack tied to the end.

"Aren't you full of surprises?" She puts her hands on her hips.

"It doesn't hurt to plan ahead sometimes." He tosses the rope upwards, the jack catches behind the book. Owen gives it a tug for security, and he starts to climb.

As Beatrix climbs, the rope snaps when she is halfway up. Owen grabs her hand before she falls.

"Got you." He uses both his hands to pull her up.

They run along the top of the books, avoiding being seen by the giant ones filling the store.  They reach the front desk. Marina is nowhere to be seen.

"Where is she?" Beatrix looks around.

"Stay here." Owen jumps down. He looks up at Beatrix looking down at him. "I mean it. Stay here."

After he's gone, Beatrix notices someone entering a mousehole off to the side of the front desk. "What are you up to?" She slides down the book and sneaks over to the mouse hole in the wall. The man is gone, but she hears the faint clattering of chains. She pulls herself inside and searches the area. In the shadows she sees a figure slumped over.


He lifts his head at the sound of her voice and quickly stands as she pummels him with a run-hug. She glances down at his mangled wing.

"What did you do?" she asks, pulling away.

"I thought it would stop them from taking me."

She ignores his logic and inspects the heavy shackles chaining him to the floor.

"Bee, I'm sorry." 

She drops his arm. "What did you say?"

Alex goes pale when he realized he slipped up. He holds up his hands as if presenting himself, putting on a grin. 


"I didn't die, surprise."

Beatrix stares at him, slowly realizing Skater looked near identical to Alex the entire time, she was just in too much denial. 

"What are you.." he's scared she might hit him,  he squeezes his eyes closed. But all he gets is another hug.

"I forgive you," she says, laying her head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms tightly around her waist.

"God, I love you."

"I love you too." Beatrix smiles before breaking the hug at the sound of soft footsteps.

"Step away from my merchandise." a voice comes from the shadows. Beatrix steps in front of Alex, shielding him from any danger.

"Go away, I will hurt you." She says to no one.

The Merchant steps into full view. "Go ahead and try."

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