Chapter 4 Divine Attraction

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Chapter 4

Divine Attraction

Shyna's pov

Spike was barking hard as the bell rang. It is his favorite task to bark whenever the bell rings. Though it hardly does, we do not have visitors. It is the routine cleaners or workers who come time to time as assigned by my dad.

I am in no mood to see anyone else apart from me myself and Spike but this is not going to help as they have been authorized by my dad to stay till I open the door and taking a deep breath I go downstairs to open the door. I do not bother to wear my tracks as I am going to rush back to my room and lock myself in before they actual enter the house. However they are not allowed in my room. My room is my personal and nobody is allowed in so I'll be myself in here and yes study.

I open the door after the third bell ring and see t shirt number 10, wait what his name is? Yeah Davidson about to turn back to leave.

He immediately turns around as he might have heard the unlatching of the door. But what the heck is he doing here?

"Hi! Davidson" he enters inside his hand still stretched expecting me to give mine for a shake. As if it is possible.

But why am I so dumbstruck? Why is my tongue lost in my throat?

"Nice house" he complimented as he was about to get comfortable in my couch of the living room.

I stood there like a lost soul wondering if I am hallucinating. Since I have seen him there at the courts after he won the best players trophy there appears to be something wrong with me. I find myself staring at him, gawking at him. Wait a minute. For the time being he is staring at my legs. Oh no he is actually perving on them. It was now I realize that I am only wearing my cycling shorts.

I rush to my room and wear my pants and also applied my fake scar to my face. Hopefully he hasn't noticed its absence; he was busy perving on my legs.

"What the f##king hell are you doing here?' I practiced talking to myself in my hallways as I returned back so that I am not same dumbstruck again in front of him. All I need to do now is kick him out of my house. He doesn't seem to have intruded mistakenly. It is all on purpose or god knows what but I need to get rid of him at an instance. I know he has some effect on me but I cannot understand what and why. Shall I admit that I like..

I reach him and point him on his face "YOU" I yell and he stares me back looking longingly at my face.

He raises his pointer and points at the scar. He opens his mouth and then close shut them trying to speak something and then decides the other way.

I wonder if he realized that the scar was missing earlier when I opened the door. 'Be careful next time', I instruct myself.

He looks at me from top to bottom and then again from bottom to top.

Feeling conscious under his gaze I adjust my loose top and tuck the remaining loose strands of my hair into my tight bun.

He realizes that he made me uncomfortable and then he looks straight into my eyes. It was then I realized how crystal clear his grey eyes were. They showed flawlessness and they were pure. Is it ever possible?

I was about to yell at him that I normally do to avoid people when he forwarded my assignment sheets to me.

I remembered he had snatched it from me when we were face to face at the courts. I was too scared, no restless, no wish I could make out how I felt at the moment to realize that he had taken away my work from me and once I was home, my old memories overtook me and I forgot everything.

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