Prologue - WHERE AM I!-

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Huh what's going on what's making that noise it's annoying wait is it coming from me! How last thing I remember is that I was going out to dinner with my friend. Did I die but what's going on!

"Congratulations Duke Roger the woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl"wait baby girl what- before I could think of anything else I felt a per of arms slowly picking me up from the other person that was holding me my eyes felt so weak slowly look up at the person holding me the only thing i could make out was a blurry face of a man" You will be quite useful for my plans ...your name shall be Avil Alpheus." Wait Alpheus I feel like I heard that word before somewhere but I can't think of anything at the moment..

      "Wahhhhh '' Why does this kid keep crying? Why is this body doing things I don't want to cry but I don't think I have much control over this. I could feel something off about this man's aura. It felt so dark like it could eat the small body I was trapped in any given moment it gave me chills. I tried to move my head to the right side of the room. It was so dark and left so gloomy all I could make out was a small looking bed. The energy coming from it was almost depressing. I try to focus more on what's laying on top of the bed.  I could barely make out what was on top of if but the few things I could see were white sheet of cloth covering something i couldn't make out much from how blurry everything was but my eyes caught a sight of red of coming out of the sheets before i could make out focus my eyes more i felt something grabbing the small pieces of hair on my head suddenly I hear a every chilling loud voice coming from the person holding me " WHY IS HER HAIR PINK THAT DIRTY WENCH MUST HAVE DONE THIS!" " My lord please come down please her hair is probably a mix of your hair and that woman's hair.." A Very bone chilling laughter came out of the man's mouth . It was so creepy I didn't want to be here...
" Of course she had to have a defect. What did I expect from the leftovers of a dirty witch,a black hearted wench." 'Who the hell is the Scumbag of a man talking about?
You know what Let go of me you sick bastard' I try with all the effort I could master to get out of this man's hands I rather drop to the floor and die then be held by him any longer "wahhhhhhh"  cries filled the room no one cared enough to payed attention to
'I want to get out of here, please anybody save me from this!" Suddenly a new noise came from the other side of the door " Father can I come in.." A small voice said from the other side of the door,my crying increased little by little then I felt the scumbag moving to the door. His grip on me tightened. It feels so suffocating with me still in his hold he grabs the door handle with the hand he has free and opens the door .

Light suddenly hits my eyes as soon as the door is open i couldn't hear anything coming from the people around me the light was so distracting suddenly i heard a small soft voice I couldn't make out much of the words much all i heard was gibberish maybe it was because of how weak my body had become from all the effort I put into it to get out of the Scumbags hold maybe it's from how long I've been talking In my head' before I could think more my ears picked up a voice " father can i hold her?" the voice sounded a bit soft in squish voice it sounded too young to be an adult so I'm going to guess it's a child...

" Yes you may hold her but be careful." The scumbag spoke again, 'ugh so gross'. I feel myself being passed into someone else's arms. I look up at the person that now has a hold of me. Lifting me small head up with the little strength and effort my body had left the first thing that caught my eye was the blinding gold color looking directly at me they gave of a very soft look almost motherly feeling for some reason I try to look closers to the person holding me but i feel like at any minute my body will give out I could feel the same blurry painful darkness overtaking my sight that not to long ago was trapped in. The same soft voice spoke again. It was very relaxing. " I'm so happy to meet you, my dear little sister." I try to keep my eyes open but I don't think I can hold on  anymore. Slowly everything around me started to get blurry and fade away. The last thing I heard was " Ijekiel hand me the baby, she must be tired, go back to study now ." ' WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN IJEKIEL OH GOD NOOO!!!!

I became the precious little sister of the original male lead /WMMAPWhere stories live. Discover now