Chapter 4

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Lisa's povs
I am done doing my business I'm going back already. I was fixing my pants adjusting it, suddenly I felt my head getting hit by something or should I say someone because it's hard and soft I don't know. My thought was cut off when I was pinned at a wall roughly causing my injuries to pain as hell, I held myself not to shout.
"Who are you? What are you doing here? are you spy? how did you get in?" A male cold and angry voice is what I heard. A shiver came down to my spine. "Look at me" he said a bit louder I was afraid I cannot move an inch he was about to speak again but was cut off
"Lisa! Jungkook what are you doing?!" Jennie unnie came rushing "let go of her" He let go of me and Jennie unnie came in front of me
"Who is she and what is she doing here?!" He said I can feel him looking at me I still did not raise my head.
"Calm down Jungkook" I heard from another male voice, WAIT Jungkook? I also heard Jennie calling his name. Jeon Jungkook!!! As in the MAFIA KING???
"She's Lisa, our classmate and friend" Friend? She then continue "our teacher ask us a project at school by group and should be the done at one house"
"You should have informed me this, I really taught she's a spy or enemy" he said "I am sorry I misunderstood you, I really dint know" I finally raise my head but avoid eye contact "I-it's okay I u-understand" noticing the silence of him I look at him we stare for seconds I was the first one who broke it and look down again.
Jungkooks pov
It was a girl who bumped at me, I taught it was one of my maids but it's not she's completely wearing different clothes. Seeing this I push her against the wall harshly holding her two arms, jumping in conclusion that she was an enemy who tried to spy. I ask her tons of questions but she wasn't answering and her head down, so I told her to look at me but did not move I got more angry I was a bout to talk again but I was cut off by Jennie noona shouting Lisa word is that her name? I let go of her and Jennie came in front I ask Jennie noona instead and she explained. Oh my gosh she's a guest and I greeted her in a very bad way I felt guilty for misunderstanding her so I apologies. She finally raise her head but avoid my contact I scan her whole face, I admit she's beautiful. I was still looking at her she must notice my silence because she look at me. We held eye contact for seconds and look down again, seeing her brown eyes and face clearer now I can really say she looks like a living doll. I was completely awestruck to her beauty just then a fake cough was heard.
"*Cough*, are you okay now Jungkook? can we go now we have a lot of things to do more" Jisoo noona said I also cleared my throat and look all of them
"It's okay now, you can go already" I said "sorry again for the last time" she look at me and nod, I smiled at her and also nod and left to go in my room.

Jennie's pov
I look at Lisa after that and ask her "Are you okay?" She nod "okay, let's go"
We got back to the free space (Apv: I called the place free space I don't know what to call it)
Time skip
It was already 9:12 in the evening were already done Lisa is arranging her things.

Lisa's pov
It was already 9:12 and I am ready to face my punishment at home. I sigh and feel urge of crying already feeling the beatings.
"Lisa it's already late maybe it's best for you if we drive you at home, is it okay?" Jisoo unnie said "no need unnie bus are still running at this ti-"
"Just go ride with Jisoo noona it will be safer and your a girl" I was cut off by a male voice Me and unnies look at the back, Jungkook was standing there with his pajamas looking at me

 "Lisa it's already late maybe it's best for you if we drive you at home, is it okay?" Jisoo unnie said "no need unnie bus are still running at this ti-""Just go ride with Jisoo noona it will be safer and your a girl" I was cut off by a male voice...

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"Yeah Lisa his right" I look at Rose unnie and nod I have no choice left since all of them are telling me to ride with Jisoo unnie. I look at Jungkook and smiled a bit "okay, I will go with her" I said in a low tone "okay let's go then your parents must be waiting already" Rose unnie said hearing the 'parents' word my smile drop and look at Rose unnie "okay" I said and pick up my bag I look at him and unnies saying goodbye to them and follow Jisoo unnie behind.

Time skip
"Are okay there Lisa?" Jisoo unnie ask she was at the front seat and I am here at the back, my house is already getting nearer "yeah I am fine unnie" she nod
We finally arrive at my house.
"Bye unnie, thank you again and drive home safely back" "Bye to you too Lis, it is my pleasure and thank you" we both smiled at each other but still mine was small. Waving one last time and she drove off, I take a deep breath and walk inside this is it. In opening the door and step, the first thing I felt was a slap in my face it was really hard I could really feel the sting. "Where were you the whole time, didn't I told that your curfew is 8!!" My father yelled "she must be busy doing something in those hours, like slutty things" her 'girlfriend' said while smirking I was pissed "Excuse me I was doing some project in my classmates house I would never do that kind of stuffs or 'thing' and FYI your the SLUT here not me " I said emphasizing slut but realized it was very huge mistake the 'girlfriend' started to fake cry and hug father. My father look at me angrily and let go of her girlfriend, grabbing a vase from the side and threw it too me some glass hit my tummy and it started to bleed my father then grab my hair push me to the wall by punching it causing the glass to push more inside of me the glass was big. I was crying out loud already the girlfriend then joined by grabbing a broken pieces of glass at the floor and threw it to my feet. "Aghh!!" I shout the pain really hurts, my dad then drag me to go in my room using my injured arm he feel that it was covered by bandage so he squeeze it tighter he threw me at the bed slap me one more time then left locking the door.
I was crying the whole time treating myself the injured was pretty deep, I was thinking not to go to school tomorrow but my father will punish me again if I will be absent, he doesn't care about me of course he would not care if I will go to school being such in deep pain.

I was crying a bit writing this, I relate this to my friend's story when she was adopted by abusive parents but she's okay now she's living happy right now with her new ones. How was liskooks first meet? Jungkook look like a kid in the picture his so cute. I will try my best to update everyday. Thank you for adding my story, follow me and vote.

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