Chapter 6

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Jisoos pov
We are already at the class but I wasn't listening I was out with my thoughts.
I think Lisa is hiding something not in a bad way of thinking of course she would never do something bad to us I can see it, I mean look at that angelic face I can really say that she's innocent. She's hiding something behind that covered body of hers everyday, behind her eyes, and behind her smile. Her smile was always small and sometimes I can feel it was fake. Her eyes always had a look of sadness and guiltiness I can really see it. Her covered body everyday and the way she moves sometimes looks very weak. I really wanted to ask her if her life was fine, if she is really okay, she really looks tired and weak everyday. The last night when we were doing the project she kept looking at clock with really worried and scared face and will continue her job. The way her face changes when we don't look at her as she thinks but she doesn't know I was watching her, her face looks sad. When I drove her to her house she was sweating with scared face looking at the window fiddling her fingers, that's why I decided to ask her if she was okay and she replied that she was fine, but I know she was not there is something bothering her. When we arrive in front of her house we exchange few words then left, I look at her at the side mirror she was hesitating to go in but when she step in the door shot very quickly, what just happen? I ask myself but decided to shrug it off. But now was different the happening earlier was still stuck on my mind. When we hug her I was the one who hug her waist, I can feel a bandage wrapped around does she have a injury? I back up a little bit I might get hurt her injury but I was pressed once again tighter I heard her hissed oh shit I try to back away but Rose was holding me so tight I felt relived when Jungkook came and separate us. I look at her to check, my eyes went wide and were stuck on her sweater there's a blood on it, it looks fresh and it was big amount of blood she must notice because her book suddenly blocked the view. She's hiding it. I heard Jennie's voice I look up to see her eyes first she was looking shock and hoping?? Hoping for what that I did not see it, it was too late. "unnie" why is she even hiding it "Jisoo unnie" I cannot take this anymore I am so worried for her already since the day we first encountered each other "unnie!" I will ask her later "Jisoo unnie!!" "Uhh" I was startled when someone shouted my name " oh my gosh unnie we've been calling you many times already, are you okay?" Jennie said "oh sorry I was spacing out" I said "what were you thinking about?" Jennie ask I glance at Lisa I was facing her back she was packing her things it was lunch time already "nothing just stuffs, let's go now it's lunch time" I said both of them nod "let's invite Lisa" Rose said we nod of course why not "Lisa!wait" she stopped her tracks she was about to leave the room she turned around I look at her waist for a while she's covering it. "Let's go lunch together!" Rose said she smiled a bit "okay if you say so".

Lisa's pov
We're now eating here in the cafeteria, many students are watching us most especially to me. They seemed shock that I was able to go eat with them they are popular here. Some students even was talking at my back like she's eating with them what the hell, oh no her disease might transfer to them I might not see there beautiful skins anymore, are they out of there minds?, she must be using them to gain popularity I was speechless and silent.
"Lisa don't mind them they are just jealous" Jennie unnie said I nod
"What's your next subject?" Rose ask
"Uhm economics I think, I'm still going to check it. What about you?" I asked
"We're the same Lisa let's go to together after this" Jisoo unnie said while smiling "sure unnie" I said And smiled back
"Ahhh mine is math" Rose said whining and pouting Jennie unnie started laughing "haha what a bad luck mine is easy CLE"
We talked some stuffs after that. I still can't believe it Jisoo unnie saw it, I sigh.
Time skip
"Okay bye unnie, Lisa, and Rose haha goodluck"Jennie said waving and left
" yah unnie! Bye to you too guys see you later after school" Rose said we nod
"Let's go Lisa" Jisoo unnie said "hm"
Authors Pov
The four of them were having a class, they were also happy knowing that it was there last subject meaning they can go somewhere after. Jennie already have a plan where to go and Rose was planing to invite Lisa. The three of them wanted to be friends to Lisa and so they want to know more about her.

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