{ Chapter Fourteen }

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Eva snapped awake from the jult of the wagon, her hips and shoulders bouncing on angled wood.

The smell of pixie dust rang through her nose and she slightly panicked.

Her arms lifted her as she peaked over, seeing hills and hills for miles illuminated by the glossy vision of the full moon.

In the back of her mind, she heard her name from a monsterous roar, a dark strike of lightening crushing her thoughts. Ben.

In the air, she could now see small sparks igniting and then disappearing. Fluttering noises echoed through the oak trees. They had just crossed a veil, a magical curtain.

She was in the territory of the Warriors.

This was not somewhere she had been before, a hide away in the hills. This was where they hid, the scrambling society of devotees to King Hannon. The ones who knew ill of his death.

Eva's father had quickly explained that as he appeared to be searching for her on the King's behalf, he had been seeking them out and returned to bring her.

Looking around a bit more, Eva could see they approached an iron embankment that enclosed around a circular deck. Quickly, she recognized that Queen Laeca was sitting there in the center, with soldiered women surrounding her.

The wagon stopped, Sarah and Eva rolling out with haste, as their father tended to the horse before following up ahead of them. He went directly to address the Queen as the girls stayed silently respectful behind.

"Your majesty, I bring my daughters." He bowed to her, motioning with one arm to the two of them.

"You have brought Eva?" The queen asks with excitement.

"Of course," he turns, motions for Eva to step forward and she does, bowing her head deeply.

"Please," Queen Laeca motions for her to stand straight. Their eyes meet and the Queen smiles. "It's nice to officially meet you."

"It's an honor, my queen."

"Now, now, you could quickly become my queen if you so wished. No formality needed." Motioning for Eva to take a seat beside her, Eva follows, trying to stay proper in every movement she made. With a simple sentence, Eva knew the Queen was well aware of her situation.

"If you wouldn't mind, your majesty, I would like to see myself off to bed. It's been a long journey and I trust our white witch is in need of a private conversation." Eva's father speaks up, clenching his jaw to hold back a yawn. He had been steering all through the night.

"Of course, go on, please get your rest," and her sister and father leave without another word.

Coffee and tea was placed before the Queen and Eva by one of the knights, Eva eagerly taking the black coffee.

For a moment she studied them, the women in white armor, glowing swords by their sides. They were magic empress protectors. This was sacred ground. The Queen must be working closely with the ancestors.

"I presume your Father explained this place to you?"

"Vaguely, yes."

"Well, here is a safe haven against Solanyn and my son. For the people who remember the truth of what happened last Samhain. Ben had tried his best to bend the memories but some people were unbothered. Those who have the bravery to fight back if needed come here."

"I remember," Eva feels her face drop, "I am very sorry for your loss, my Queen."

Queen Laeca sips her tea, nodding her head in a solemn moment of thought. "Thank you." She stares off for a moment, Eva finally having a second to her brain to remember that Ben had been very close to asking her where she was and getting the answer.

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