Update: May 2021

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Hey Fear Games readers!

I just wanted to hop on here and give you all a well-deserved update.

First of all, I don't want any of you to think that I've forgotten about this story. It's been on the back of my mind for a long time now! Unfortunately, other writing projects have taken priority, more particularly trying to finish my paranormal young adult series The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles this year. I have two books in that series, plus one prequel novella, left to write and I'm working very hard to get that done.

Due to some mental health things, it's ended up taking me much longer to finish The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles than I anticipated. I was originally hoping to be working back on Fear Games by this summer, but it's looking that it won't happen until at least the fall of this year, potentially even longer.

But please do not fret, as I am going to get back to at as soon as The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles is wrapped! I have so many exciting things coming for this story and can't wait to bring you Season Five as soon as the time is right.

Thank you for being such patient readers. I hope you stick around for the ending that you deserve.

Love always,

Alec John Belle

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