A Note About Season 6

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When I started writing Fear Games back in 2015, it was originally meant to be a one-season mini-series. I had no idea that it could eventually expand into three seasons, and then later from three to four, and even later from four to six. Each season is novella-length, so essentially I have written five novellas for this series so far, and am working on the final one.

My love for this story and these characters goes beyond a normal kind of comprehension. To me, this characters are real. They're authentic, with real lives being damaged by the fact that they're constantly the target of killers. It may sound weird, but ending this six-season long murder-mystery series is going to be difficult emotionally. Not only has this series been one of my babies, but it has also become my post poplular story on Wattpad, with 118k reads to date. Every day now, my phone blows up with notifications of comments and votes, all extremely positive and uplifting. To say goodbye to a series while it's in the middle of its PEAK is going to be so hard.

But a writer knows when it's time to say goodbye. In fact, we usually know long before the readers do. I've known Season 6 would be the last for a long time. And as I write this final season and wrap up these characters' stories in the right way (I didn't do so well when I originally ended it in Season 3), it will be an emotional rollercoaster.

Back with Season 3, I ended it and left it open for the possibility o more because I always knew I wanted to come back and do the 20 Years Forward. But this time? This time it'll be finished for good, and you'll see why at the end. No more deaths. No more mystery. No more Fear Games. It'll finally be over, and I can't wait to share the ending with you all.

So I just want to thank you all for taking this wonderful journey with me, and getting this story over 100k reads. I hope that even when this series is over, people will still continue to read - because this story deserves it. I deserve it. And I'm finally getting what I want.

Everyone, buckle up. This season will blow you away, the reveals will be shocking, and the finale will be amazing. Thank you for sticking around with me. Season 6, here we come. I appreciate you all being so supportive of this story, even when I wasn't sure it would ever get its day on Wattpad.

See you all real soon with more Season 6 updates!Love,Alec John Belle

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