First Real Kiss

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((AN: Am I the only one who uses my own name as a place holder to make sure the name placement sounds natural? Sometimes I write that instead of Y/N without thinking and it never fails to be incredibly weird))


Trouble, the middle name of anyone and everyone who could be considered a straw-hat pirate. By that logic, it's no shock when trouble is exactly what shows up.

It seemed like only yesterday, this beach was calm and relaxing, probably because it was, but as classic Strawhat protocol dictates, all relaxing islands have a dark secret that must be uncovered and fixed the moment your boyfriend sets foot on land.

You sighed as you got ready for a fight with the rest of the crew. You had faith in there abilities, but whos to say you will make it out of this alive. Precautions must be taken. You had been in a relationship with your captain for around a week now and considering you could possibly be walking into your death, makeing it official was long over due.

Speaking of your beloved captain, it took all poor Usopp had to hold him back. He was more ready for a fight then the entire crew combined and as usual, it showed.

"Come on! Let's go already!"

"Luffy! Calm down! My 'If someone doesn't stop him soon I'll die' disease is kicking in! Someone switch out with me!"

You chuckled and made your way over to the poor sniper, taking his place in holding Luffy back for the time being. That being said, it was no easy task, he was more then ready to take off running the first chance he got. "Come on (Y/N)! I wanna go already!"

"Luffy, look at me." That seemed to work, he finally stopped and looked straight into your eyes curiously. "Good luck." You gave him a bright smile and pulled him closer, being sure to keep hold of his shirt so he didn't run off to fight someone just yet.

Poor Luffy was taken completely by surprise with the sudden contact. He wasn't a complete idiot, he had a basic understanding of what this was, but didn't know how to react in the situation himself. Thankfully, he learned fairly fast, closing his eyes and practically melting into you, his fighting spirit temporarily left behind.

When you pulled back from the kiss, Luffy just stared at you for a free moments more before signature giggle started sounding in your ears ( accompanied by a blond chefs crys) "Now I have no chance of losing! (Y/N)! Quick! Do it again! Give me double luck!"

You chuckled and shook your head, kissing his cheek instead. "Sorry, that's all you get until this is over."

If it wasn't hard enough for poor Usopp to keep him under control, it's impossible now.


Sanji isn't exactly the ideal boyfriend. He is still the same chivalrous flirt he's always been, just on a slightly lower level, no one can expect him to change that. You knew that when you got into this relasionship, but even so, it still easily served as a source of jealousy under the right circumstances.

"Thank you Snooj, amazing as always." You smiled up at the blond chef after takeing a sip of the sweet dark blue drink he had brought out to you. The amont of culinary masterpieces he could make out of near nothing never ceases to amaze.

"Oh no need to thank me! I'd go to any lengths for my true love to be comfortable~!" Sanji was always more then happy to receive any form of praise, it's like it gives him a well earned boost after a long days work, a boost he will milk for every thing its got. You didn't get the chance to say anything more before he was running off again, hearts in his eyes and a tray with two similar drinks in his hand, clearly ment for Nami and Robin.

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