Holding him (mostly bridal style)

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((HOW TF DID YOU DO THAT?? DOFFY?? HELLO?? SIR?? Whatever, screw physics, what's cute is cute

((That weird moment when you have trouble writing characters with they/them pronouns even though you, yourself, are non-binary-
I'm working on a non-binary/male pronouns chapter with Doflamingo as a request but it's not in a format I'm used to so it'll take me a sec, I'm slow ❤️

I'VE BEEN DEALAING WITH WRITERS BLOCK FOR HOW LONG?! WOOPS- In my defence though, ✨Twisted Wonderland✨ is my excuse))


Monkey 🐒👒
Having the time of his life

"He's to hyper." She says. "No way you can hold him for long." She says. No doubt about it, making bets with Nami is an awful way to start the day, but you were sure this would work, and if it didn't.. well you would have your soul to pay.

Luckily enough, Luffy was sitting on the side of the ship beside Usopp, doing there best to catch some food to replace what they had stolen from Sanji. That makes him easy to catch.

He was taken off gaurd when you suddenly scooped him up into your arms. "Ack! Sanji I'm sorry! I'm trying to catch more lemme gooo-! Oh, Hi Meatball! What's up?" He smiled brightly, quickly relaxing in your hold as if this was a normal situation.

"Nothing. I just felt like holding you is all." He giggled, wrapping his arms around you a few times, trapping you in a firm hug.

"Aw gross! Come on guys, get a room or something! Stop being so mushy all the time already.."

Oh yeah, Usopp, almost forgot he was there-

Snooj 🍽️🐐
Not what he imagined but he's into it

What would happen if you held Sanji the way he always holds you? This was the question you were hell bent to figure out as you snuck into the kitchen. He was just finishing the dishes when you arrived. Luckily for you, he was focused on his task, allowing you to sneak up behind him easy enough.

One moment, Sanji was cleaning a spoon, the next, something hit the backs of his knees, sending him falling right into your arms. He stared up at you in shock for a moment before recovering his senses. "Wha- (Y/N)-Chwan! What is- why?!"

You chuckled, adjusting your hold on him. He cleared his throat as you walked in a circle around the room, setting his thoughts in order. "Sweetapple, I'm in no way complaining, but I still gotta ask.. what's going on?"

"I decided to switch it up and hold my husband for once."

An awkward silence began between you as his face turned steadily red. He wrapped his arms around your neck with a quiet wine. "(Y/N) if you keep calling me that it's going to kill me I swear.."

Impressed, almost thought he was hallucinating

Of all the people in the world you could have fallen for, you had to choose the swordsman with Narcolepsy, and of all places, he just had to fall asleep out I'm the snow. Who knows for how long he was out there before you found him.. He didn't seem especially bothered, but he could catch cold if he stayed out here and no matter how much you tried to wake him up, he just rolled over and kept sleeping like absolutely nothing was wrong. You groaned after a few minutes of trying, the snow coming down harder by the second. So you were out of options.. One thing left that you could try.

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