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i have returned ! lets get started!

soobin woke up in the midst of someone sobbing, a woman fell down of who seemed to be a flight attendant

"oh my gosh, ma'am are you okay?" he quickly went to grab her to pick her up

she cried some more "i-i'm sorry to bother you sir, i fell down heels and got a scratch" quietly getting up by the help of soobin

the taller male didn't know what to say, standing there awkwardly "uhh..miss do you want me to get you a band-aid"

"oh! no no you don't have to-"

"no..! i insist" he spoke up

"okay then, the first aid kit is right behind that door" quietly speaking

he nodded listening to her right away

"oh- uh- here!" he smiled sitting her down on his seat and opening the kit trying to find the right items to fix up her injury

getting alcohol pads and a bandaid he fixed her ankle up "how does that feel" he asked her

"oh thank you, that was very unnecessary, i'm so sorry" she apologized

"no that's no big deal!" she grabbed a pen out of her pocket and paper pad wrote something down, gave it to him

"here..this is my number..we can talk if you'd like" mumbling, soobin looked confused he's never been in a relationship, but the the thing is he'd always reject them

he took the paper and folded it "oh uh- sure..thanks?"

he just helped her get better he didn't try to hit in her what the heck?! was soobin really that attractive ? he sook his head, of course not.

she was pretty though, he thought, he could possibly give this a try.

"your off to paris right? let's go together." she sounded excited

"sure ma'am..uhm" and then something caught his eye, the diamond ring. she was engaged? married? possibly has kids?? what on earth..

she realized what he was looking at "oH! this? oh hahahaha, nooo don't get the wrong idea i'm just holding on to this for my friend because uhm- uhh.. she has uhm..she loses things quickly!"

soobin nodded, he was suspicious of course she wasn't telling the truth he reached down to his pocket and gave her back the folded paper "sorry ma'am i don't want your number..i'm uh- into guys! yeah actually i have a boyfriend so i can't accept this, sorry"

what was he thinking? has he gone mad?? into to guys? he should've said something more smarter, what a dumbass he is.

looking convinced she frowned "you're gay? ew. what the actually fuck, your such a fag!"

his heart was thumping, hands shaking, and sweat rolling down his forehead, how the hell did he get into this situation! he was on the verge of crying, he wasn't even gay! he just wanted to avoid her

"i'm sorry ma'am this-this i'm actually not-" he tried finishing his sentence when he was cut off by the same lady

"get the fuck out, i don't like gays and fags like you!" she screamed waking up the people who were in slumber

some mumbling about what the whole commotion was about

he started crying, tears rolling down his soft cheeks, standing there like a statue he couldn't move

"hey! are you seriously hurting him for liking guys?! whats so wrong with that? huh? you are such a homophobic bitch, open your eyes lady" a man who seemed about soobin's age aggressively spoke "listen, if you have something hurtful to say don't say it, it's as simple as that please and thank you." he put his hands together pleading her to stop and sat down

whoever that guy is he sure is brave for saying such a thing he had to owe him one

soobin took a seat where he was before seated and got lost in a train of thoughts


eventually arriving at paris, he was still scared for what happened earlier

he got his luggage's from the airport once they landed and headed off to his hotel

taking a taxi there, he gave the driver some money and went to check in

"good evening sir, how may i help you?" a middle aged man said looking up at soobin's figure

"oh hi, yes i had a reservation for room 27b?"

the man typed on his computer to see if he was right "ah yes, choi soobin?"

"yes, that's me sir"

"and for how long..?"

"for about 30 days sir" he smiled

the other male smiled back at him and nodded "right, here's your keys, enjoy your stay!"

the taller took the keys and mumbled a small 'thank you' before going ahead to find his hotel room number

"24b..25b..26b! found you!" he excitedly got the keys and opened it

sitting down on the bed exhausted from so much walking and having to fly, he took out his phone and decided to call his mom

"mummy! mom i arrived at paris!" he looked at his fingers, observing his nails, seeming proud

"aww, see i told you could make it! mummy is always right~" slightly singing, she giggled

"yeah yeah you are"

"anyways nothing bad happened right?" he got back flashbacks of what happened during the flight, the woman calling him a fag and yelling at him, his mood suddenly dropped

"hunny? are you there?" she tried bring back his attention

"ah right sorry, i was just thinking of sleep, yeah nothing bad happened everything went well" he lied trying to cover up his cries

"mmm..okay then, but if anything call me okay, i will always pick up" she said, reassuring him

"okay mom! i'm gonna go sleep now! goodnight, i love you"

"bye sweetie, get a good nights sleep."

they bid each other goodnight before going to sleep.

973 words

Hello friends ! it's been two months since an update huh, but here ! I don't know when I'll update next but hopefully soon. Bye for now ! 💕

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