Chapter 4.

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I turned on my flashlight, and I saw this big huge tall wall in front of me.  So I walked the other way around it. Then I saw another one, then another and then another. As It kept happening I noticed that This was going nowhere and then I figured out that I was inside of a maze. I started using the book, to write and draw in it. 

 After a few days I was starving then I decided to just eat 1 half of a sandwich, and nothing else. It felt like I was losing  weight by the second, like my stomach was getting sucked in by a black hole. I went to go and brush my teeth, and change my clothes. Then I found another chest with more food and clothes, but this time it had water and a soap bar too. I started to draw out the maze and mark all of the places I've gone to, by this point I've already been in here for about a week.

As I was done brushing my teeth and drawing out the maze, I figured that If I found more chest I could survive longer. So I went out looking for some more chest, Until I started to hear this sound 'Drip drop drip drop'. It sounded like water so I followed the sound. As I got closer and closer I couldn't hear it anymore but my head was starting to get wet. I didn't notice until I felt something running down my head.

I looked up and what I saw horrified me, I saw.....

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