The first job

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This takes place 1 week after Harvey betrayed Hatchet and after Hatchet and Shadow meet
This is before Hatchet got his apartment


Breaking News
News Reporter:The gold stolen from the three trucks at the highway has been found. Hannah Bennet (Jade), Dmitry Komolov and Harvey Brooks has been comfirmed dead. Police thinks a fourth member killed Harvey the police found no evidence of a fourth member the investigation was closed yesterday. Police is still searching for a fourth member.
Hatchet:Do you think they will find the fourth member?
Hatchet:Someone is calling me *Answers phone* Hello who am i talking to?
???:I'm inferno you are the freelancer Hatchet right?
Inferno:I have a job for you. I want you to rob this place *Sends adress* They promised me they would do me a favor they didn't they the police i want you to send a warning
Hatchet:How much do i get for this?
Hatchet:Ok *ends call*


Shadow:Did he say what he wanted to be stolen?
Shadow:They have alarms
Hatchet:Not anymore *Hacks security system*
Shadow:Lets do this before anyone comes
Hatchet:*Finds Latop* Lets see what you are hiding idiot leaves the latop unlocked
Shadow:Did you find anything?
Hatchet:Take a look at this lots of mesages to the police *Takes picture with phone* Inferno is going to be mad
Shadow:There is a safe here its a new model i can't open it
Hatchet:We drill it open its not drill proof
Shadow:You took the drill with you
Hatchet:He wanted us to send a warning not just rob the place
Shadow:What's this?
Hatchet:Evidence and money and a police contract to by the looks of it
Shadow:Hatchet there is a pc there
Hatchet:They left it unlocked he sold anonymes tips to the police *Takes picture* Inferno is going to want to know this
Shadow:Someone is coming
Hatchet:Probebly a security guard they only patrol the outside
Shadow:Documents to let's take all of it
Hatchet:We need to leave now
Hatchet:The security guard is coming inside


Hatchet:*Calls Inferno* We robbed the place lots of things we found also take a look at this *sends pictures*
Inferno:Thank you as promised the 2,000 has been transfered to your account *ends call*
Shadow:Was he mad
Hatchet:It sounded like he was going to explode
Shadow:He had 10,000 to 15,000 in the safe
Hatchet:I planted fake evidence in the safe the police will think he hired someone to rob his place
Shadow:Police will think this was an insurence scam

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