Job from a dangerous criminal

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A/N I know it has been a long time since i last posted.

*5 Days after the previous chapter*

Breaking news

News reporter:5 Days ago a house was robbed police are not sure what was stolen. They also think it could be a way to send a warning. If no more evidence is found the case will be closed. The fourth member of the gold heist has not been found.
Shadow:Got any new jobs?
Hatchet:Not yet.

*20 minutes later*

Hatchet:*On the phone* Hello who am i talking to?
???:Maximum. That's all you need to know about me. You are Hatchet right?
Maximum:Good. I want you to steal a box from this office in New York city. *Sends adrees*
Hatchet:I'm in California.
Maximum:I'll pay for all exspenses to get there and back. Also make sure to get it done and you might live. The plane is leaving tomorow at 14:30. If the mission is a success you will get 35,000 dollars if not i'll give you a funeral
Hatchet:Ok *hangs up*. Shadow!
Hatchet:I got a new job. In New York City
Shadow:And how will we get there?
Hatchet:The client will pay for everything

*The next day at the plane to New York*

Shadow:What did the client tell you?
Hatchet:He told me If we succed we get 35,000 dollars if not we get a funeral.
Shadow:So we don't fail this mission?

*At a hotel room in NYC*

Hatchet:In 3 hours we steal the box. We meet the client. Later tonight to get the cash before returning home tomorow.

*3 Hours later inside the office*

Hatchet:The safe is in there. You take care of that. I search the office for money or things worth money.
Hatchet:*Searching desks in the office* this is strange. *Finds note* Kill on sight Maximum and any associates. *Finds another note* Transport gold in secure trucks with security supervision.
Shadow:I got the safe open. Hatchet did you find any cash?
Hatchet:No but i found something else look *shows notes to Shadow*.
Shadow:That is strange.
Hatchet:Let's get out of here *grabs box*.

*At the location to meet the client*

Maximum:So you go the box?
Hatchet:I got it. Show me the money and you get the box.
Maximum:*gives money*
Hatchet:*gives box* Thank you.

*The next day at the apartment in California*

Shadow:Did you find out more about him?
Hatchet:Not much. From what i found i think he is a criminal a dangerous one.

Hatchet and Shadow's freelance yearsWhere stories live. Discover now