Chapter 5: A Chameleon's Sigh

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✨ Siren of the Stars ✨
by Strawberry Moon Rose

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters. They belong to Naoko Takeuchi.
Chapter 5: A Chameleon's Sigh

At 10:36 P.M., as I'm standing before the full length mirror brushing my undone hair, I hear it.

"Your sweet scent, I've always been searching for

My voice reaches out.

Where are you now?

My Princess..."

I set the comb aside to listen and the pleasant tugging sensation in my heart returns.  My feet start moving in the direction of the balcony doors before I am even aware.  I pad across the room, my bunny slippers sinking into the plush carpet, and I step out.

The fuzzy night air is thick around me - humid and salty. It's not cold, but I shiver and hug my thin, pink nightgown closer to my body.

"Answer, answer for me.

Right away, answer for me."

I go over to the edge and lean against the railing. Resting my chin against my palm, I prop one elbow up on the ledge and gaze down.

Seiya is sitting on the rock, her tail flowing into the water. Long, blue-black hair cascades down her front to her stomach, curling at the ends. The damp, glossy locks flutter in the sea breeze, almost teasingly over her breasts. Her eyes are closed, her lips are open her mind focused on one thing - finding her princess.

I smile and let out a long, relaxed sigh. I don't think she even notices me out here. That's okay, just listening to her lovely song is more than enough. If it was a CD, I'd play it on repeat over and over.

My eyes drift shut and I let myself get swept away by the tune. It still makes me feel strange how it pulls me to her. But I'm no longer scared.

Seiya closes out the song, her voice fading like a flower. It's quiet now, only the hiss of the crashing ocean waves fills my ears. I start to wonder if she left when her voice suddenly rings out.

"Bun Head? Is that you?"

I raise my head and open my eyes. Peering over the edge, I smile and wave down at her. "Hi..."

Seiya's face lights up when our eyes meet. Her tail raises out of the water, azure fins casually skimming through the air. Her scales glimmer like the stars above us under the moonlight.

"I'm glad you came," she says.

I fiddle with the lace at the sleeves of my silk nightgown. "The stars are really pretty tonight," I comment, looking back up at the twinkling heavens. It's clear, not a cloud in sight.

"They are."

It's quiet for a while, we both watch the stars in a comfortable silence. I wish she isn't so far away, but I guess this will have to do.

"Say, Bun Head..."


Seiya dips one hand into the water and swirls it around nonchalantly. She raises an eyebrow - a sly expression. "You were with a pretty good-looking guy back there..."

"Eh?" I blink several times. Then I realize who she's talking about. "How rude! Haruka is a woman!" I retort.

Seiya wears a cocky grin and narrows her eyes. "Now you're trying to make an excuse..."

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