hiyoko's (kinda bad, or kinda good) idea

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"i know this pretty rave girl.
always think about her
and when she says hi to me,
butterflies go right through me."
-pretty rave girl, serl

Gosh, sometimes Hiyoko wishes people would just flat out tell her things sometimes!

Guessing games are fun. Guessing games can be fun. Hiyoko doesn't mind them, but they can just be so boring sometimes.

She especially wished Ibuki would just tell her if she wanted something from Hiyoko or not.

"Hiyokoooo! Check out this sweet letter I got from my admirer!"

"Admirer? Who would ever like you?!" Hiyoko insults her, giggling, as Ibuki pouted.

"Weeell!! I'd love to know who wrote it! Ibuki's really, really excited to meet them!" Ibuki says, a grin on her face, leaning towards the dancer.

Well, duh! Ibuki obviously wanted her to find out for her. It's kind of lazy for her to pawn the job off to Hiyoko instead, but as the great friend Hiyoko is, she'll do it!

She just needs to figure out how.


Chiaki's quite good at keeping a secret, actually. She has a ton of blackmail she could spill if she really felt like it.

(really, people should thank her for not sharing their secrets.)

She's kept quiet about Mikan. Chiaki hasn't said a single word to Ibuki, and won't. She doesn't exactly plan to, for Mikan's privacy and the conversation with Ibuki.

Will she ever confront Mikan? Who knows, it depends on her mood.

There's days where the gamer will arrive early, and take a peek at Mikan slipping the pale pink envelope onto Ibuki's desk, her eyes scanning the classroom for witnesses.

She has to admit, Mikan's careful, and some of the contents in the letters are beautiful, some make Chiaki's heart melt as she reads this.

She would pay so, so, so much for someone to love her like this, whether it was romantic or if it was platonic.

She'll keep Mikan's secret.

"Chiakiiiii!" Hiyoko calls out to the gamer, waking her up.

"Hm? Hiyoko?"

"Do you happen to know anything about Ibuki's admirer? And you better not lie to me!" Hiyoko asks her, hoping for an answer.

"I... they probably wouldn't want you to find out... I think." Chiaki answers the dancer, hoping she won't pry anymore.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO IT IS?????" Hiyoko practically yells at her. "Who is it, who is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me!!"

"I can't tell you. Sorry." Chiaki simply replies

"Hmph. Fine!"

People can be so annoying, Hiyoko thinks. Why couldn't Chiaki just tell her? It's not like it'll matter.


Hiyoko pieces it together.

Chiaki wrote the letters.


"Well... I don't think it's too smart to set them up right away... you're sure it's Chiaki who wrote them?" Mahiru says, slightly worried about what Hiyoko might attempt to do.

"Yes! Yes, yes yes! It's soooo obvious!" Hiyoko tells her, enthusiasm lacing her voice as she spoke.

"Hmm.... if you're sure, then maybe try hint at it? That Chiaki wrote the letters? She's fine with Ibuki knowing.... right?" Mahiru asks, putting a finger on her chin as she thought.

"Of course she would be? Who wouldn't want my help?" Hiyoko says, crossing her arms.

"Alright then, maybe just try hinting to Ibuki about it." Mahiru advises her, hoping her advice was enough.

"Yay!! Thanks Mahiru!"


Hiyoko isn't quite a romantic person. Sure, romance is nice to watch, but she's not exactly the best at it.

She really thought this would be easier for her.

The dancer looks down at the blank page, only having a "Dear Ibuki," at the top of the piece of paper. She's read enough of those sappy pink lovey dovey letters that Ibuki seems to adore so much, so why was this so hard?

Eventually, she settles for a wikihow tutorial and some cheesy metaphors she stole off of several websites. At least they were easy to follow.

Hiyoko rereads her letter over and over again, making sure it's just right and fits the letters and Chiaki's personality well.

(by that she means, having a lot of "i think"s and metaphors about like, games and stuff)

Maybe it's a little wrong to do, writing a letter pretending to be your friend so your other friend finds out it's them who writes the love letters and they fall in love and have 20 babies and blah blah blah.

Okay so, maybe that sounded worst than she thought, but come on, was it really that bad?

Her friends will be thanking her when they get married and fall in love!

She slips the letter in an envelope (which, by the way, she spent tons of time looking for the exact envelope they used) and made sure it was at least a little similar to the letters Ibuki was sent.

This was a great plan.

yes, mikan x ibuki is endgame. also i don't rlly know how to write hiyoko well so i hope thisbis ok!! and mahiru too hajdnajawja... and no i did not proof read lol

chiaki and ibuki will probably be a thing for like one or two chapters btw,,,, but mikan x ibuki is 100% endgame

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