Chapter 1-the beginning

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Aizawa's point of view:

It had been a month since the school year had started at U.A. It had also been a month since my daughter had been in a physical battle with a villain. I knew she felt as though it was needed, to save a kid's life. I just wish she knew that she put her life, in danger. She was a kid as well. My kid. Ever since the battle she has been in a coma, unresponsive. I can't handle seeing my daughter in this position. I hate this. Mic, Bakugou, and I have been visiting her non stop. Bakugou and me more than Mic.

I can tell it hurt him to see our daughter like this. I just wish that he could be there for me. As well as her. When we both needed him the most, I sighed pushing back the thoughts. It's not fair for me to push that onto him, she was his kid as well, we just dealt with this differently and I knew that. But I just wanted my husband. Besides that Bakugou wasn't holding up well. I knew that he wasn't. It was not hard to tell, I've known him for long enough to know when my daughters boyfriend was not feeling happy. He had been more miserable in my class than I had ever seen him before. Which said a lot, honestly. He had been an angry kid, but either way, I was starting to grow fond of the child. So I always brought him with me to visit her. As a little bit of a supportive gesture towards him, but I felt I needed it more than him.

This particular visit we had been here already for an hour and a half. The nurse was finally finishing up with my daughter when she became panicked. I heard the nurse call for backup and my heart dropped. I darted my eyes over to my daughters boyfriends shaking figure. I grabbed him and whisked him away from the bed, while nurses rushed into the room, towards my daughter. My heart dropped, down into the pit of my stomach that had not subsided since she became injured.

Then we heard it, we heard her call out "Dad? Papa? Baby?"
Bakugou started crying and jumped up and ran into the room and into her arms like normal and I felt a smile creep up onto my lips when I joined the hug.

I don't think she realised that her other father was no where to be found..

Y/n's pov

I held onto everyone, then I asked "How long have I been out?"

(time skip to monday aka Y/n's first day at U.A)
-I'm sorry I'm lazyyyy-

I woke up to the sound of dad knocking on my door as he called out "Come on squirt, It's your first day." "AHH okay thank you dad I'll be done in a little!" I flopped onto the floor next to my bed letting myself fall.  I got up and took a shower dried my hair, and got ready into my uniform.  Putting on the socks, doing up the dress shirt, putting on the blazer and I tightened my tie.

I ran downstairs got some breakfast and said "bye papa, bye dad" I ran out the door and heard them yell "bye sweetheart have a good day!!" I laughed and ran to school


Here I was waiting outside the door, waiting for dadzawa to let me in so I could introduce myself to everyone.  I walked into the class when my dad opened the door, I smiled and waved and I smiled even brighter when I saw Katsuki smiling at me softly. Dad, Katsuki and I came up with a plan to trick everyone when I introduced myself.  I got into character getting ready to try and keep calm.

"Okay problem children this is a new student.  She got in through recommendations, she's here a month later because of an incident if she wants to tell you she can.  Now I'm going to take a nap"Dadzawa says tiredly while climbing into his sleeping bag, I smile softly "Hi I'm Y/n Bakugou.'' Everyone choked and started coughing at what she just said. 

Everyone yells "BAKUGOU/KACCHAN HAS A SISTER?!" you laughed and bakugou said "No she's my wife, idiots."  Everyone started choking again, you giggled and bakugou yelled "BABE! You broke character!" everyone looked confused.

"I'm sorry *laugh* ok, ok no actually I'm Y/n Aizawa and I'm Bakugous girlfriend" everyone looked at you confused and Midoriya raised his hand "Yes Deku?" you said harshly "W-What's your quirk?" "Eraser and I can copy and create quirks for my own use." you replied,  Someone else called out "what's the quirk you use most?" "Ah the quirk I use most is witch. I came up with it when I was younger, I can basically use it to cast spells on people!" I smiled, Katsuki mumbled proudly "That's my teddybear."


You sat down at the cafeteria table with the bakusquad, katsuki was resting his arm around your waist, you smiled and looked up at him and poked his cheek.  He looked down at you a smiled. He had always been clingy. It's as if he was worried that if he looked away for more than five minutes you would disapear. It's only become more intense since your mishap.

"What's up teddybear?" he said roughly, but you knew it held a softness, reserved only for you.

"Do you have any candy kat?"

"Ahh Yes I do teddybear" he kissed you softly pulling away handing you f/c (favourite candy) "You are the best!" you laughed while eating some Katsuki smiled "Damn right I am." the whole bakusquad was speechless..

Mina spoke up "Did THE Katsuki Bakugou just smile?!" he sent her a glare "What was that raccoon eyes?" she sqeaked "N-NOTHING!"

1-B came over
"HEY! I see there's a new loser!" monama sneered, you shot him a glare and bakugou laughed and whispered something about monama about to get his ass beat. "The fuck did you just say?!" all of 1-A went silent and so did 1-B until Monama decided to say "You heard what I said about you!"


Katsuki yelled "SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD, COPY CATS ABOUT TO GET HIS ASS BEAT!" the bakusquad cheered for you.  You grabbed monamas collar and started using your erase quirk so he couldnt copy yours, you glared at him "If you want to fight me we can go outside and fight and call it training but I don't want to hear you whine like a bitch when you loose." you said in a cold harsh voice dropping him. You may appear nice, but you were not reserving the gentleness for others as you did for Katsuki

Dadzawa started clapping, everyone looked shocked, he looked over at monama "You wanna fight squirt okay then.  Squirt go put on your costume and everyone else too. 1-A and 1-B are going to fight but first we are going to watch Y/n and Monama fight, since he wants to fight my daughter so bad." monama looked shocked and dadzawa lead everyone and everyone came outside ready

You were ready and this was the first test drive with your costume....

You were ready and this was the first test drive with your costume

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(You can change it if you want and you have a scarf like Aizawa.)


Let me know if you think I should continue or discontinue this story and give me some feedback! I hope you enjoyed!!

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