As soon as you were ready for your date you saw his contact pop up onto your phone, you smiled and thought, perfect timing kit-kat. You pressed to accept but didn't show yourself not wanting to give away the surprise.
"Hey teddy bear I'm leaving right now I'll see you in five." "Okay kit-kat I'll see you soon, love you!" "Love you too." and with that you hung up. You grabbed your small black backpack and put in your phone, chapstick, keys and your wallet. You heard a knock on the door, you walked out of your room to walk to the front door. You opened the door and smiled "Hey kit-kat!" you smiled and threw a kit-kat at him, you did this everytime you guys went on a date.. It was a cute tradition you came up with.
Although almost every single time he ended up giving it to or sharing it with you.
He chuckled "Hey teddy-bear.. You look perfect." you giggled and thought of a sassy reply "When am I not?" he chuckled, "Get on some shoes teddy bear I want to get there fast!" you rushed to put on some black high-top converse. You grabbed his hand and held it while you guys walked to the arcade.
------(At the arcade.)-------
You smiled at the sight of people having fun then a voice broke you out of your thoughts "Bakubro?!" you saw Katsuki groan internally when he heard that voice. You couldnt help but smile, you knew Kat was best friends with Kirishima but you also knew how irritated Kat gets when people intrude on your dates. "Y/n? You are here too?" you nodded "Hey kirishima." Then Denki showed up "Oh hey what are you two doing here?" "Well. We were having a date." Kat snapped back and you elbowed him in his side.
"Yup kit-kat and I were on a date!" "I never really thought you'd be the type to go on dates." Mina said.
You couldnt help but smile "Me and Kat go on dates every weekend." "Why does he have a kit-kat..?" Katsuki groaned and I giggled, "It's a tradition!"
"Tradition for what..?" Sero asked, "Everytime I take her on a date she gives me a kit-kat. She made it a tradition because of the nickname she gave me." they all make an "o" shape with their mouths. You smiled and nodded "Well we will be off.." I grabbed Katsuki by the hand and I walked away "Hey kit-kat do you wanna go watch a movie instead? I know you don't like our dates getting interrupted..Or we can just go to my house and cuddle and watch movies..?" "Heh. Movies obviously teddy bear" you smiled "Race you there!" you ran all the way home as fast as you could ignoring katsukis yelling. "Ha! I beat you kit-kat" he scowled, "Fine you can pick the movie since you won.
"AHA! YESSSSS! Okay I'm gonna shower and get dressed in something comfy, you can grab snacks and set up netflix on my tv in my room." he nodded and you started the shower.
-----(After le shower)-----
You picked out a comfy outfit
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You went to your room and saw Katsuki laying in your bed all comfy, you smiled and sat behind him and you picked out a movie. You watch in silence while playing with his hair.
-----(Time skip to the next morning)-----
I got up and put on an outfit so I could go on my morning run
------(Pick an outfit)-------
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I put my hair into a ponytail and I looked at the bed. Katsuki was still sleeping, perfect. I can get him breakfast on the way home after I do my run and then I can also get myself a coffee! Aha this is going to work out perfectly.. I should also grab dad some coffee, I think I'll take Kat out to dinner tonight to make up for our date yesterday. Well I better start my run.
----(Mid run)----
Okay I thought to myself, I should start running to the cafe right now to get breakfast for Dad, Kat and I.. Ah there it is perfect!
I suddenly saw Uraraka, Iida, Shoto And Deku Dammit..
"Y/n-Chan!" "Hey." I responded uncomfortable with this situation "What's got you so grumpy today?"
"It's nothing shoto I'm just grabbing food for my dad, Kat and I and coffee obviously.. I need that stuff to live." I ordered two coffees, one black for my dad and one black iced coffee for myself.. I know some people think it needs creamer or milk or sugar but... I don't really care and my father won't drink it any other way. "Y/n why for Bakugou" Iida asked "Ah. Well yesterday we were supposed to have an arcade date butttttttt there was people from our school, Kat doesn't like our dates getting interrupted so I asked if he just wanted to have a movie night." he hummed in acknowledgement "But we both watched a few movies, then eventually he passed out so I turned off netflix and just went to sleep. I didn't want to wake him up plus he sleeps over at mine a lot!"
"Order for Y/n?" ah thank god.
"That's me gotta go friends, see you all at school tomorrow!" you waved and got your order and ran back home.