Complicated Feelings (Android!Sayo x Inventor!Reader)

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mashiro one next!


Hina: "So, can you fix her?!"

Sayo: "Hina, calm down. It's only a minor issue. It should be resolved quickly, right?"

I put my hand on her forehead, feeling an unnatural heat coming from her metallic skin. 

(Y/N): "It must be some sort of overheating issue. Hina, can you turn on the fan?"

I sit Sayo onto a chair.

(Y/N): "I'll need to plug you into my computer. Sayo, can you lift your shirt up? I'll need to plug this in."

Sayo: "S-sure." 

She spins around in her chair, lifting her shirt up to reveal a control panel case on her back. I unscrew the panel, plugging her into my computer.

Password Required.

What was it again...? 

(Y/N): "美月" (Mizuki; Beautiful Moon)

Access Granted. 

Looking at my computer, I don't see anything particularly wrong. 

(Y/N): "Model S4Y0-H1, check vitals."

Checking vitals... 0% progess...

This is gonna take a while.

Sayo: "(Y/N), do you need me to enter sleep mode? I don't want to delay this process."

(Y/N): "No, it's fine. It's only a system check, nothing too intensive. Besides, I like the company." I smile at Sayo.

Sayo: "I-I see."

7% progress...


(Y/N): "So, tell me what happened. Hina seemed troubled."

Sayo: "Roselia and I were practicing, preparing for our next live show when we took a small break."

Alright, nothing too abnormal.

Sayo: "We started talking about things outside of Roselia, like school..."


Sayo: "...when we started talking"

I look at her, a bit dumbfounded.

(Y/N): "Me? What about me?"

She fidgets around in her chair.

Sayo: "I don't know...just about you."

Me? What's so significant about me?

Sayo: "I don't know what happened, but I suddenly started feeling strange..."

(Y/N): "Strange?"

Sayo: "I...I don't know! I just suddenly collapsed and then I...!"

Warning! System overload.

I feel Sayo start to panic. Looking over at my computer I see her vitals shoot up, almost to a dangerous level.

Sayo: "I don't know what's happening to me! (Y/N)..!"

Emergency Shut down Initiated.

I need to calm her down.

I grip her right hand, putting mine on top of hers. I grip it gently, feeling her metallic skin in my hands. 

(Y/N): "It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." I look into her eyes.

Sayo stares at me, wide-eyed. I slowly move my arms around her, bringing her into a hug. After a minute I look over at my computer. 

Vitals: Normal

I let go of Sayo, seeing her face turn from panicked to peaceful. She grips my hand tightly, using her grip strength to make sure I don't let go.

(Y/N): "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here as long as you want me here."

She looks down, her usual stoic face turning somber.

Sayo: "..thank you, (Y/N)."

She pauses.

Sayo: "I think... l-love you."

I look at her in surprise before smiling. I grip my hand tighter around hers.



Model S4Y0-H1

Checkup Notes

I think I love you too, Sayo.

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