Chapter One

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A/N: I've been working on this for a while now. It was supposed to be a one-shot but I keep adding to it so now its a multi-chapter story, you can thank @bluedove for convincing me to start posting what I have written. Since before Serkan got his memory on the show, so this is completely different from what happened in canon.

Also, I am no expert on injuries.

It was happening again.

Serkan was falling in love with Eda all over again even though he did not remember her.

And Selin had a front-row seat to it all.

It was supposed to be different this time around. This was her second chance. Her chance to have everything she wanted. Everything she deserved.

Eda was ruining it, just like she ruined everything in Selin's life.

Something dark and ugly twisted inside her every time, Serkan stepped into a room and immediately look for Eda, the way his eyes would light up at the sight of her, the way he would laugh with Eda, the way he found any excuse to see Eda, to stand close enough to touch her.

It was the small things that tore at her heart, ripping it into shreds.

How he swept Eda's hair out of her eyes, the way he watched her walk into a room, how he would just gaze at her like she was the most beautiful thing he ever laid eyes on and couldn't tear his eyes away from her for even a second. The way he would lean into her neck to smell her perfume, how he couldn't help but touch her in some way, his fingers, skimming through her hair, down her arms, holding her hand, his knuckles brushing the skin of her cheek.

And he did it without hesitation but worse of all. It was the look in his eyes, attraction was one thing but the complete look of devotion in his eyes every single time Eda so much as looked at him that made her realize none of her hard work of molding Serkan into being hers meant anything.

As long as Eda Yildiz was in their lives Serkan would never truly be hers.

His heart recognized Eda even when his mind didn't and it would be her ruin.

She had to end the connection between Eda and Serkan that threaten to take everything from her.

If she was going to have Serkan, every piece of him, Eda had to be taken out of the picture completely.

Eda needed to be gone from their lines and Selin had to make sure she never came back.

Selin knew in her heart that she was going too far but she couldn't let Eda win. She had to do this. She needed to push Eda to leave Instanbul and never come back. 

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 

It was late, Eda was trying to finish up and go home. It had been a long day and she just wanted it to end.

Every day it seemed like Serkan was seeking her out more and more but at the same time, he was still with Selin.

It hurt to see them together, like shards of glass shredding at her soul.

Hearing Selin call him love, seeing them embrace and plan their upcoming wedding... It was too painful.

Not too long that was her. She and Serkan were beyond happy and ready to start their lives together.

It had been just a few weeks since she ended her game with Deniz. There was no point to it. Serkan was no closer to remembering her than he was to ending things with Selin.

Eda was not fooled as to why he ask Selin to marry him. He was running scared, terrified by the depth of his own emotions for her. Emotions he didn't have the memories of their importance or their magnitude.

Eda told herself he needed time for his mind to catch up with his heart and that she could give him that but it left her on the sidelines watching the man she loves be with someone else, someone she couldn't stand. It was the hardest thing to do and the most painful.

She told herself it was all going to be worth it. The more time he spent with her, she could see he was slowly growing used to what he felt for her and letting it in. She had a feeling it was only a matter of time before he opened his heart up to her again and allowed her to touch his soul.

Eda's phone buzzed with a text from Melo asking when she was going home. She texted her back that she would be home shortly, she pulled on her jacket and grabbed her bag.

Her stomach rumbled and she put her hand to it with a grimace. She had been skipping dinner and her body was rejecting the lack of nutrients.

She thought about texting Serkan asking if he wanted to get dinner but then thought better of it. He was probably having dinner with Selin.

She walked out of the upstairs office and stopped short as she almost crashed into Selin. "What are you still doing here?"

"You're not the only one who works late," Selin said. "I was just leaving to meet Serkan for a romantic dinner."

Eda's stomach twisted. "Then don't let me keep you," she muttered.

She pushed past Selin, moving toward the stairs.

"You should leave." Eda could hear the sounds of Selin's heels against the floor as she followed her.

Eda rolled her eyes heavenward. "I am leaving."

"Instanbul. Leave Instanbul."

Eda whipped around. "What?"

"You need to leave Instanbul. Tonight." Selin took another step, glaring daggers. "Your presence isn't needed. All you are doing is making things worse for Serkan."

"For Serkan or for you?" Eda challenged.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Selin bristled.

"It means the fake house of cards you built around you is starting to fall. You manipulated Serkan, told him lies, twisted facts around for your own gain are starting to crumble and you're scared."

Selin scoffed. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"I think I do. Serkan is coming back to me, his heart knows he belongs with me. You may be with him but he was never really yours. You've never had his heart. Have never touch his soul. His blood doesn't sing for you. I am the one he needs and more so who he wants and I always will be. You want me to leave because you can see it and you're running out of time." A smirk played on Eda's lips. "I will never give up on Serkan. Your time with him is ticking down. If you had any decency at all you will come clean before it's too late but I know you won't. I look forward to the day it all comes crashing down around you. I'm not going anywhere, Selin. You want me to give up Serkan. It's not going to happen. As long as I am alive, I would never give up on him because if Serkan was his true self he would not give up on me. What Serkan and I have is stronger than you know."

With those parting words, Eda turned and Selin's lips twisted. If Eda would not leave their lives willingly then she would have to take matters into her own hands.

Selin shoved her arms out, the palm of her hands, slamming into Eda's back with force.

Eda gave a cry of surprise as she was propelled forward, her body lurching as she lost her footing.

Selin watched Eda's fall and it was like everything happened in slow. She tumbled against the stairs, her limbs getting tangled and the thud of her torso slamming against the stairs, Eda's cry of pain, the impact of her head smashing against the floor before everything was silent and still.

Selin stared at Eda's unmoving form, blood was pouring down her temple, her arm was bent at an awkward ankle beneath her back, blood trickled from the corner of her mouth.

And Selin felt a sense of peace. Finally. The world she knew could go back to how it was before Eda Yildiz had come into it.

Selin walked down the stairs and over Eda's body. Soon all this would be put behind them and she and Serkan would go on with their lives and Eda would only be an unwelcome memory of the past.

As she walked away, leaving Art Life Selin never saw the dark vibrant color slowly start to bleed through Eda's white jeans. 

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