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this is the creepy pasta of a girl named 4nn1, she was like a hacker of some sort so she would text people that are not even her friends and you cannot text people who were not your friends, she would keep texting you to join her game until you do. her game looks like dogs flowers and cats and dogs and like everything is pink! and she will ask you questions like, whats your fave food, or one she starts asking more uncomfortable questions like where do you live, she get mad really easy, once she leaves the game her place burns down and theres a smiling monster inside her place while its burning, and she might come back with a sad face and ever since 4nn1 aka annie, after annie did it for the first time she kept doing it over and over again. her game and account is still here today, but the account was abandon by the owner the owners account name is hershellayton, if you search up 4nn1 you will see some stuff of what happens.

important message!


credits to the owner!

and please no hate!

4nn1(not mlb) completeWhere stories live. Discover now