Chapter 1 - The reality

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Gregory's POV

It had been, several days since we ran away as I was asleep the whole time in the passenger seat. I could feel the bumps of the road as I slowly opened my eyes to morning sun. I covered it with my hand as I looked to see I wasn't dreaming at all. I was actually running away, with the so called mercenary "the mole". Weird how this playing out as the driving became semi hectic and bumpy. "Christophe? What the hell" I said tired "The road is gonna be bumpy like this for awhile, we don't have long until we get to the next gas station though" he responded "When is that" "A mile away" he said slowing down "What are you doing" "Conserving gas" he said pulling to the side "Are we far out?" I wondered "Very, we're incredibly far out now" "How do you know that" "I pay attention to my distance, and took some thinking but we're good" "I thought you said you hated thinking" I mentioned "Not all the time, besides we need a strategy, and I just needed a recharge" he said going to the back of the van. The fan was on as it started to get cooler in the van. I looked out into the barren wasteland as it was only us who remained in this deserted space. But I knew he didn't care, I was the one that managed to get to him to come with me after all. And to be frank I was done with South Park. The same never ending cycle of fucking up, parents fucking up, that Stan fucking things up, it makes me wonder why I even come close to him as I saw Christophe reading a book. "You read books?" I asked surprised "Yea, there was a book just lying on the ground and I can't really use my phone so" he said as I recognized that book cover "Hey, those are one of my books" I pointed out "Oh, well you want this back" he asked "No it's fine keep it, I brought a bunch in my bag" "What did you bring" "Excess clothes, deodorant, maybe some hygienic stuff" "We're on the road, why would you need that" he'd wondered "Cause I dislike being dirty duh, and that seat looks funny" I mentioned "What do you mean" "Like it's on the side of that door, how do you get in" "Oh this isn't a door, it's actually just a window" he explained "Who did that sort of build" "I did, I just melded the door shut" he said "Why, it's just one doorway?" "Well yea, plus we have more space this way to sleep on, and I've been driving all night so" he explained "I'm guessing it's your break time?" I asked "Yep, we have enough gas for two days, plus the extras in the back of the trunk" "By extras?" "Like 20 of them" "You came prepared" "It was only because I don't usually put anything back there, and if I ever got lost or ran out of gas I'd have those 20 in the back to keep me going" he explained "Nice, also how long until the next gas station again?" I wondered "A mile away, by how long we've been driving we've been 10 miles apart from South Park, so whatever is at the next town might just get us something we need" "That was Denver right? How long until Denver" I asked testing his skills as an mercenary "If I looked it up, 100 miles away" "Oh, you know you're stuff" I pointed out "It's just looking things up, really" he said as I now got suspicious of his knowledge "You sure it's just looking things up" "Yea" he responded "Something about that sentence disguises something I have yet to know, and you won't even tell me" I said cornering him and thoughts "But oh well, it's whatever, but you having fun being a runaway" I asked "Sure I guess it's fun, knowing you I'm guessing you have something in your bag-" "Yep, I have a chess board in my bag, can you go into my bag and get it out" I said getting over to the back side of the van. He had finally found my chess board as I sat down in front of him. I opened the box already sorting the pieces as I could feel his face intwine with confusion and frustration "What even is this" he said to me "Chess, what else" I responded "Why is there like a hundred pieces" "It's not hundred, just a few to let us play, I'll help you get started" I assured him as I was finished setting up the pieces.

We started playing as I put a piece down seeing him put his Queen in the front "You can't do that hehe, you need put out your knights, and your queen can't even go yet" I said to him as he scratched his head putting back his Queen in the back and putting his knights a spot "Yea, knights can move one spot, horses can move two, I'll teach you later in the game" I said as we started playing the game. I acknowledged him being a newbie at chess so I dimmed my competition side down letting him get a first go at trying to take my horse. The more we played the more I explained the game as Christophe managed to get on of my knights out the game. "Way to go Christophe, you're getting the hang of it" I congratulated him as I could he was getting embarrassed. I stepped up my game however as we played until we weren't interested in playing anymore. "You're getting better already" I adored him "Thanks, I never played chess but I guess I just learn fast" he felt himself verbally "Hehe, I guess you do, now I'm going hard so get ready" "Whatever" he said as I had made the game short and sweet, quite literally in fact "And I win, checkmate good friend" I congratulated myself "The hell just happened" he said confused "I just killed your whole faction, too bad" "This sucks" "I know it does, to be such a loser" "That, and this game" "Salty already?" I mocked him on purpose "It's just dumb, mostly because it's almost fixated with the reality we live in" he said getting sentimental. He can be a bit extra when doing things but for some unknown reason, I didn't expect him to get... real, like questioning a game based on its rules and play style. "What do you mean" I asked "There are two sides of a board, light vs dark, the good vs the bad, the black is a way to tell if it's evil while the white is a way to tell if it's good, then again we both don't know which is good or bad, we just let it play out until we see victor, and the loser, to be gently, we're at constant war yet we're having to know who is good and who is bad, and still we choose a side for society, like a game of chess, playing by strategy instead of by reason" he said surprising me to the point where even I started thinking "I mean, you choose a side, but you play it not them" "That's the point, even if you aren't playing it, you're still playing the game if you chose a side that deems your entire future, if you care about the game instead of caring about yourself, and the others around you" he said squeezing his hands. I had never seen this side of him. Him being a mercenary and all, I never seen him think so hard on a subject that doesn't even include us. But I could tell he was thinking too much as I put away the game and it's pieces. "Hehe, let's play something else" I suggested "Like what" he asked "I'd say... monopoly- actually no forget I said that" "I saw that uno box in your bag, what about that" "That vicious game of cards, I didn't put that in my bag, then again I did when I was thinking about burning the damn deck, I guess I just forgot" I said going through my bag. I got out the uno box I opened it setting out the cards as I shuffled them and set out 7 cards for each of us. The car was still on as the we got a signal from somewhere. "Hello? Hello?" the radio called "Who's this?" I said going to the radio "If there's anyone who's out there, if you're currently running away, there's a shelter not long from here, about 7 miles away or even less, please if you are running away, come and find-" I had turned off the radio as I only wanted it to be us. Technically we were moving state and well trying to get out of reach with everyone as I Christophe looked at me funny. "You realize that this shelter was 7 miles apart from us right?" he said "I thought we weren't trying to find a shelter, I thought it was just us" I mentioned "I guess you're right, but it conserves gas and Denver is still a 100 miles away" "Well I mean, wherever the road takes us I guess" I said as someone started knocking on the van door "What was that" I said sitting at the middle of the car "Stay right there" he said getting his shovel. The knocks started to fade as Christophe quickly opened the door, seeing a boy with blonde hair and ragged clothes faint at the van step "Who is..." I questioned "It doesn't matter, let's just bring him since he's kinda beaten up" he said as I helped the poor boy into the van.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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A road to hell | Gregory x Christophe | South Park fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now