The Missed Grip

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Lloyd and Lord Garmadon were running away from the Oni that were chasing them.

"Dad,wait up!You're so fast!" Lloyd shouted while running.

"Hurry up!What kind of ninja are you if you can't even run fast?!" Lord Garmadon mocked and Lloyd felt insulted.

"Says the person who is running faster than his own so-" Lloyd mocked back but Lord Garmadon cut him off.

"For the last time,I have NO SON!!" Lord Garmadon shouted which made Lloyd's heart break, more broken than when Harumi played him to reach her goal.

"And I have no father!" Lloyd said back while running.

Lord Garmadon couldn't care less. As they kept running, Lloyd tried to find Pixal but couldn't see her anywhere as he was running away.

"Pixal,where are you?!We need you!" Lloyd asked through a call in his wristband.

"I'm on my way!But,I must warn you!" Pixal said.

"What is it?" Lloyd asked.

"We only have one shot at this,I am almost out of fuel!" Pixal warned.

"I understand,Pix!We're ready!" Lloyd said as he kept running with Lord Garmadon and ended the call.

The Oni were still chasing after them and Lloyd and Lord Garmadon ran to a bridge, but they got surrounded by the other Oni. They had no choice but to fight, they got to their fighting position and started battling the Oni. Pixal had just arrived with her mech and was about to grab Lord Garmadon and Lloyd, but the Oni had Lloyd pinned down before Pixal grabbed him. She only managed to get Lord Garmadon. 

"Lloyd,no!!" Pixal shouted as she looked back.

"Don't look back!We have to get outta here!" Lord Garmadon shouted and Pixal had no choice but to agree, she was almost out of fuel.

"Warning!Fuel levels low,2% remaining." The voice in the mech's system warned.

Pixal pressed a button to call Nya and informed her that she got Lord Garmadon and was on her way out of the cloud. Without Lloyd.

"We're on our way,Pixal!" Nya informed.

Pixal kept flying her mech with Lord Garmadon on the mech's grip. She hoped that she and the ninja would be able to save Lloyd before it's too late, whatever would happen to Lloyd.

"Hang on,Lord Garmadon!We're almost out!" Pixal said and she finally got out of the cloud.

"Where is the flying ship?!" Lord Garmadon demanded.

"On its way!When we get on the ship,we'd have to tell everyone the bad news.." Pixal said with sadness.

"What bad news?" Lord Garmadon asked and Pixal was confused on how Lord Garmadon did not notice his own son being left behind unintendedly.

"What do you mean 'What bad news?'?!Your son-" Pixal asked but was cut off by Lord Garmadon as soon as she mentioned Lloyd as his son.

"How many times do I have to say it?!I.Have.No.Son!!" Lord Garmadon reminded heartlessly.

"How could you say that?!" Pixal asked.

"Because he really isn't!" Lord Garmadon answered.

Pixal had no idea what to say, especially that she needed to find the bounty before she-

"Warning!Fuel level,0%!0%!" The mech's system warned and the mech started to fall due to the loss amount of fuel.

"Nya!!We need help!!I am out of fuel!!Come quickly!" Pixal called out.

But there was no sign of the bounty anywhere, Pixal started to loose hope,until she saw 2 red wooden dragon heads.

"Brace for impact!" Pixal shouted and the mech crashed at the bounty's deck.

Everyone rushed to Pixal and Lord Garmadon, but they noticed that Lloyd was not with them.

"Pix,where's...where's Lloyd?" Kai asked, fearing something might have happened to his little brother.

Pixal could not speak, she was too afraid her friends would hate her if she told them the truth.

"Pixal?Are you ok?" Zane asked.

Pixal still did not speak, but she gathered her courage to tell them the truth, and she finally spoke.

"Lloyd is....umm....h-he....I-I...." Pixal hesitated.

"He....didn't make it?" Jay asked, wanting to cry.

Pixal deeply shook her head in sadness and regrets.

"I was about to grab him and Lord Garmadon, but the Oni had Lloyd pinned down before I could grab him with my mech,I only managed to get Lord Garmadon.." Pixal said while looking down in shame.

"Not Lloyd too.." Kai whined.

"Too?What happened to Cole?" Pixal asked in confusion.

Nya lowered her head in shame and cried, "He...he fell into the cloud..because of me..I pulled the thrust lever the wrong way and.." 

Kai hugged Nya to comfort her and said, "It wasn't your fault,Nya.You never wanted that to happen,it was just an accident."

Nya kept crying and there was a bit of silence, until Lord Garmadon broke it.

"Let's get going,we need to stop the Oni!" Lord Garmadon suggested.

"Do you mind?!" Kai asked very irritatedly.

"Yes,I do!We are risking valuable times!All that matters is that we got this in our possession!" Lord Garmadon answered as he showed the the golden armor.

"The golden armor?" Zane asked.

"What about the realm crystal?" Jay asked.

"It didn't work,but this armor will surely help!The Oni fear it!" Lord Garmadon answered.

"We just lost two members of our family!And one of them.Is.Your.SON!!" Kai reminded with anger rising in him.

"I HAVE NO SO-" Lord Garmadon reminded loudly but Kai cut him off.


"He's just a disappointment to me!!He means nothing to me!NOTHING!!" Lord Garmadon shouted.

"Guess Lloyd's right when he said that his father died.I thought I was confronting my little brother's father,but I was wrong!I'm facing a heartless four-armed monster who is JUST a copy of his father,the one who never wanted his son to feel alone with his father not being by his side!" Kai mocked and walked away.

"Why does he care about that useless greenie?!They're not even family in blood!" Lord Garmadon questioned with anger and confusion.

"They are not family in blood,but Kai knows how to care for a family unlike you!You and Lloyd are family in blood,but you don't care about him at all!So comparing you to Kai,Kai is the best choice of a person to take care of Lloyd!" Nya answered, defending her brother and walked away followed by Jay.

Soon, Zane and Pixal followed Nya and Jay, leaving Lord Garmadon behind and alone. Lord Garmadon huffed and looked down at the city.

"They are not family in blood,but Kai knows how to care for a family unlike you!You and Lloyd are family in blood,but you don't care about him at all!So comparing you to Kai,Kai is the best choice of a person to take care of Lloyd!Guess Lloyd's right when he said that his father died.I thought I was confronting my little brother's father,but I was wrong!I'm facing a heartless four-armed monster who is JUST a copy of his father,the one who never wanted his son to feel alone with his father not being by his side!" The siblings' words started haunting his mind, not did he care or anything, or did he? Not even Lord Garmadon knew himself, it was as if he was lost somewhere unknown.

"Tsk!Useless ninjas!Letting their emotions out and dozed off the thought of defeating the threat!" Lord Garmadon mocked.


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