We're Coming,Lloyd.

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The ninja walked to Misako's room and saw her looking through a few scrolls about..


"Misako." Nya called.

"Nya?What is it?What are you all doing here?" Misako asked.

Everyone moved to the side as Harumi stepped forward.

"YOU?!WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Misako asked in shock and anger.

"Please,I came to warn you about your son.He is in great danger." Harumi said.

"Of course he is!The Oni have him!!" Misako shouted.

"I am afraid it is far worse than you think." Harumi said and started explaining everything.

Misako was shocked to hear the Omega's plan. 

"But how is Garmadon going to get involved?!He's...he's not the man I remembered." Misako asked.

"I will take care of that part.You all can work on the plan." Harumi said.

"Alright.Let's get started.Before it's too late." Nya said and Harumi went to find Garmadon.

Harumi looked around the monastery but couldn't see him anywhere. 

"Where is he?" Harumi asked as she kept looking around the Monastery.

Meanwhile at the Palace, Lloyd stayed quiet on his new bed. He remembered when he found Harumi's room was...ransacked.

"Why do I keep thinking about her?!" Lloyd asked himself.

He looked around the room again and...

His eyes were flashing red.

He started using his powers and was about to destroy the room. But was stopped by..

"Calm down,child." 

The Omega.

"What now?!" Lloyd asked.

"If you destroy this room,where will you sleep?" The Omega asked.

"Evil doesn't sleep!I thought you know that!" Lloyd answered...with a darker voice.

The Omega was shocked, but proud at the same time.

"Evil indeed doesn't sleep.But you are not in that stage yet.You still have that weak and good,innocent side in you!You are still trying to resist who you truly are." The Omega said and Lloyd looked away.

"You still think that four-armed man as your father.You-" The Omega said but Lloyd cut him off.


"Calm down now,child.I know you want to get revenge,but your evil side need to be stronger first.Once it is strong enough,we will start our scheme." The Omega said.

"How strong?!" Lloyd asked.

"Strong enough to make that four-armed man pay for his actions.DO you remember?In that prison?Where he throw you out through so many walls?" The Omega brought up.

Lloyd of course, felt intimidated. He clenched his fist and nearly punched the Omega, but he blocked it. 

"Let your anger control you.Open up to your true self instead of hiding it." The Omega said.

"How?!" Lloyd asked.

"Let's just say,let's replay a fight,only...with a turned table." The Omega said and it confused Lloyd.

The Omega left the room, leaving the confused Lloyd alone in the room.

"Turned table?Replay a fight?What does he mean by that?" Lloyd asked and went back to bed.

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