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3rd pov

The war is finally over. And the sun rises once more. The pirates have won the 2nd paramount war and the World Government is finally destroyed.

"The war... IS FINALLY OVER. WE, THE PIRATES, HAVE WON!" A bloodied and injured green haired teen no older then 16 yelled throughout the battlefield and a loud cheers erupted.

A strawhatted man with a scar under his left eye, a half naked man with freckles and a blue-suited gentleman approached her.

"Ace, sabo, luffy. We won." She gave them a grin.

"Yeah." Ace said and hugged her.

"We indeed did." Sabo join the hug.

"Um! Izumi!" And finally, luffy joined in.

-------- 2 weeks later--------

"Are you really going back? Can we visit you?" Luffy cried anime tears while hugging her step sister, not letting go.

"Lu, let me go." Izumi sweatdropped.

"No!" He yelled and tightened his grip. Izumi grew a tickmark and punched him with haki coated fist making him let go.

"Stop crying like I'm dying will you? I'll call if i can." She said and crossed her arm.

"Promise?" Luffy looked at her with puppy eyes.



"Hope you have a safe travel." Said sabo and hugged her.

"I will." She smiled and hugged back.

"If someone tries to flirt with you, call and I'll burn them crisps." Ace joked.

"Yes, yes. Now, I'll be going." She unsheaths her sword and thinks of her old room before slicing the air.

It was like the air was cut in half and a portal appeared. Befor she went in, she waved at them. The portal closed leaving the pirates (some are crying) behind.

-------- izumi's (old) room-----
Izumi's POV

I looked around my room. It looks the same as i remeber. I picked up one of my Allmight merchandise then remember what he said at the roof.

'No. A quirkless can't be a hero.'

"So he was really right. Without power, i can't." I smiled and put the figurine back. I went out of my room without making a sound and saw my mom cooking with a man. If my memory serves me right, this man, is my father, Hisashi Midoriya. A pro-hero that ranked 5 in America and a loving father. Even if not by my side, he still loved me. Quirkless or not.

"Mom? Dad?" I called. They both turned around.

"Izu..mi?" Mom asked in disbelief.

"I'm back. Mom, dad." Both of ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Izu... my baby... you're back..." i could feel my shoulders getting wet because of their tears.

"My little girl..." Dad whispered. We stayed like this for a minutes before finally breaking free.

"What happend? Where have you been these two years? Do you know how worried we were?" Two years? So I've only been gone for two years?

"Why don't we sit first then I'll tell you everything." They both nodded. We sat on the couch, with me in the middle.

"I... went to another world."i said. They looked at me like i grew three heads.

"Look izu-dear, if you don't want to tell us, it's ok. You don't have to tell us lies." Dad said and hugged me.

"I'm telling the truth. Two years ago, i was about to commit suicide on the school roof an-" i was cut off by both.


"Geez~ let me continue will you? Anyway, when i jumped, i was hoping for pain but when i opened my eyes again. I... found myself in my three year old self." I took a long breath.

"Continue." Dad said and tightened his hug.

"There, i was adopted by an old man. I had three adoptive brothers-not related by blood- and a grandpa. I learned about that world. A world of pirates and marines."

"And you are a marine right?" Dad looked at me expectantly.

"I wanted to be one but, the government there was too corrupted. They turn blind eye to those who needed help. They were too focused on their 'absolute justice' that they didn't even know that they are harming the innocents. So i, along with my brothers, turned into pirates. With our allies that we gained over the years of sailing, we took down the government and built a new one."

"Mm... what you did was correct. If i were put in the same situation i would also do that." Dad said.

"You said that you turned back into a three year old. How old were you when you sailed?" Mom asked worriedly. Sigh, worrywarts.

"Well.... we promised that we would sail when we are 17 but things went wrong and i don't want to recall. So... um... 10..."


"Yeps! And i got my first bounty on my first voyage of 100,000,000. One of the highest first bounty on history. " I said proudly only to be wacked in the head by mom. Ouch!

"That high? What did you do?!" Dad did his best to calm her down.

"That... i kinda beat a celestial dragon or a world noble at deaths door. They sent one of teir marine admirals and put him out of commission?" Saying that my voice got weaker and weaker.

"Why did you do that?" Dad asked.

"He wanted me to be his 'slave'. A plaything. A creature  deemed lower than humans there." I said with disgust. I saw my parents face darkened.

"I'm hungry.'' I said breaking the tension that was forming.

"Good. My cooking should be done by now." Mom said and went to her cooking.

That night.... we had the first family dinner in years... I wonder what I'll do now.

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