new student

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Izumi's pov

I followed hobo.. i mean- aizawa-san to my dorm. If he's a teacher that means he's a hero.... mmm..... black jumpsuit, an insomniac, and quirk involves eyes turning red and hair floating.....  ah! I remember him now! Hes an underground pro hero, eraserhead.

"Ne~ ne~ you're eraserhead right? Right? Ne?" I excitedly squealed and fangirled. He sighed then said.

"Yes, i am. Now shut it." I did. We arrived at my dorm room.

"This is your room. It's cleaned weekly so don't worry about dusts. It's up to you how you decorate it." He said tiredly and left.

I opened the door and went inside. It's bigger than my bedroom at my parents house but a LOT smaller than my own back at grandline.

Alright. I reach out for sword at my back only to get nothing... huh? Oh son of a- i left my sword at home! Now i have to go back. Sigh.

Time skip readers cause i went home to get my sword....

After i got back to the dorms a pulled out the things i need. I filled my closet, vanity and etc.

"Sigh, i can finally sleep." Just when i started to doze off someone fuckin' knocked at my door. I got up and opened the door.

"OH FOR CHRISTS' SAKE! WHAT THE FU-" I looked down to a robot with a case. How did a robot knock? You know what? Don't answer my question. I took the case and slammed the door.

3rd pov-

The students down heard the door slam.

"Hey guys? Did you hear that?" Kaminari asked. The others stopped doing their own things.

"Y-yeah. But..  everybody's here. Is it.... a ghost?!"- Torou.

"Tch. Pussy." Bakugou whispered.

"Why don't you go and check it out?!" Mineta-the class pervert- yelled while trembling.

"Tch. WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I DO THAT?" bakugou yelled.

"Why not just check the rooms?" Yaoyorozo suggested. The others agreed and went upstairs.

They checked every room except for the vacant one at the girl's side.

"Y-you think i-it's from here?" Mineta asked.

"Oh. Seeing a ghost! How thrilling." Mina squealed.

''Tch." Bakugou clutched the doorknob and opened the door.

"W-woah..." some students blurted in awe. Yaoyorozo frowned seeing the room.

"What's wrong yaomomo?" Mina asked.

"This room should be unoccupied. I cleaned it last week and this isn't.... it's bigger..."- yaoyorozo.

"Look." Denki pounted at the swords on the wall.

"Are those real?!" Kirishima asked then tried to reach for it.

"Hey look." Yaoyorozo said and took the papers on the table besides the table. It showed a picture of a grinning boy.

"Wan..ted... Monkey... D... Luffy? It's wanted poster." Kaminari read.

"Way to go captain obvious but, Who's that?" Mina asked and started counting the numbers below.

"One, two..... holy shit! It's more than a billion! But what kind of currency sign is that?" She pointed the 'B'.

"I haven't seen that before."said Yaoyorozo. She also looked at the other pictures.

"Woah! A goddess!!" Kaminari said in surprise. Mineta took the paper and drooled.

"A beautiful goddess......'' he said with a perverted expression.

"Look at the numbers below." Jirou said. Their eyes almost bulged out.

"T-that's even more than the previous ones!!" Uraraka yelped. Bakugou who saw the picture froze and this did not go unnoticed to the others.

"You okay baku-bro?" Kirishima asked.

"I bet he fell inlove at first sight." Mineta said smugly.

"U-umi." He muttered.


"You know her Bakugou-san?" Yaoyorozo asked. He backed away.

"Dead. S-she... I-i... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...*breathing heavily*" He started hyperventilating and tears welling in his eyes which caused the others to panic. They have NEVER seen their explosive boi like this.

"Bakugou! Follow me. Deep breaths.. Deep breaths.. yeah... that's right." Bakugo followed Todoroki's instruction.

When he finally calmed downed the others sighed in relief.

"Well... well... well...(A/n: malificient vibes anyone?)" They turned around to see the the girl in one of the pictures earlier standing in a corner with crossed arms. Before anyone could say their thought she spoke.

"Pray tell me why you intruded my room?" She asked and looked at Bakugou who looked like he saw a ghost.

"We only want to find out about the loud door slam earlier and-" she cut off Uraraka.

"You went inside my room without my permission? I forgot to lock my door."

"We are sorry for intruding your personal space but may we know who you are?" Iida asked with his robot hand thingy.

"I'm a new student here, name's Izumi midoriya and my first day is to tomorrow which was supposed to be a surprise for students, but you know.... this happend." She said and leaned to the wall.

"We are terribly sorry about this." Iida apologized and so did the others.

"Nah, it's okay. It already happend.'' She shrugged, ignoring her childhood friend and sat on her bed.

''Now.... can you go out now? I want to sleep." She said and pointed the door. The students started to leave except for bakugou who was frozen.

"Bakubro? Let's g-"

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! HUH?! TELL ME YOU SHITTY DEKU!" He screamed. Izumi just stared st her emotionlessly.

''Sorry... but do i know you?" Those words struck him hard. He just stood there speechless.

"If you're not going to say anything i suggest you get out so i can take my rest."

"Is it because I've been an ass that you want to pretend you don't know me? I'm sorry for what i did before... i..."

"Leave. I won't ask again." She said sternly.

"No! I-" izumi sent a small blast of king's haki enough to knock him unconscious, but for the others, it was just feeling something then bakugou lost consciousness.

"Take him." The others did what she said and left.

"Hah! He apologized? Stupid kachan." She looked at the ceiling and smiled while tears ran down from her eyes remembering how he bullied her back then.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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