4 - La tua frase dei mcyt

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♈ Ariete: I'm going to fuckin kill you (Quackity)

♉ Toro: This Is checkmate (Tubbo)

♊ Gemelli: This place will be a lot different tomorrow (jSchlatt)

♋ Cancro: Not even close baby, Technoblade never dies (Technoblade)

♌ Leone: You fuck up for the last time Dream (Tommy)

♍ Vergine: I am a villain, in this story? (Wilbur)

♎Bilancia: Lenguage!! (BBH)

♏ Scorpione: It was never meant to be (Eret)

♐ Sagittario: If i can't make people smile; i will make them cry (Fundy)

♑ Capricorno: I choose blood!! (Technoblade)

♒ Acquario: I want to sayyy... Good luck. (Dream)

♓Pesci: Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, suck It green boyyyyyyyyyyyy (Wilbur)


Eh niente, quanto amate la Dream SMP da uno a dieci?

Io tredici

|| Oroscopo Dream SMP ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora