Chapter 10- Pari Wants Us To Get Married

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Samarth was still standing by the window, gazing at the moon outside. "How can I Shipra? Tell me. How can I erase Mihu's memories from my mind? How can I let Jiya take her place? I can't do this. I can't get rid of Mihu's memories." Samarth declared while heading towards the bed and sitting on it.

Shipra smiled faintly. She went and stood near Samarth, facing him. "Shall I say something, Sir from the point of view of someone elder than you?" Shipra asked. Samarth looked at her and nodded his head. Shipra smiled and kept her one hand on his shoulder.

"Old memories are precious. We can't erase them. But, this doesn't mean that we stoop so low in preserving those old memories that we don't let new hopes form. With new moments, old memories don't vanish, instead they bloom all the more, they become all the more strong." Shipra advised.

Samarth looked up at her. "So, you mean I should marry Jiya? I don't like her. I hate her." Samarth whined like a child. "It's not about you Sir, it's about Pari too. Doesn't she deserve a mother? You can keep your desires pertaining to a wife at bay but Pari didn't even see the face of her mother. Maybe, that child is at least 1% true in saying that 'God didn't give her a mom because He wanted her to choose a mother for herself'. Maybe, God really wanted that."

"But, Shipra why Jiya only?" He inquired. Shipra lightly chuckled. "Pari really loves Jiya, Sir. She has grown fond of Jiya really quick. You don't spend much time with her. But, ask me. I'm with her the whole day. That girl does only two things in a day, breathing or talking about her Jiya Aunty. And, my old wise eyes have also seen Jiya, Sir. She is not a vile lady. She is sweet, down to earth, knows to respect people and is very friendly with children. You know, today in the party, she was the main center of attraction between Pari's classmates."

"She might not talk good with you or you may differ with me when I say, she is capable of becoming your wife but that doesn't mean she doesn't have capability of becoming a mother, a mother to your beloved Pari. When after these many dark nights, finally the sun of new hope is rising why don't you want its light to spread in your life?" Shipra's voice had raised a bit from before without any knowledge of hers.

"Shipra but-" Samarth started but was soon cut off by Shipra. "You are scared. Scared that you may develop feelings for her, right?" Shipra narrowed her eyes. Samarth knew what she just said was right. He was really scared. What if she unlocks the doors to his heart and enters it. What if he falls for her? Was he ready for a second marriage. But, there was no point in discussing this now. His daughter was his first priority. He loved her more than his own life. He will surely go to any extents in proving his love for her.


Samarth entered Pari's room. He stood in front of her and gaped at his cute daughter lovingly. Her eyes were closed and she was sleeping peacefully. Her nose had become red from all the crying. Her face was still wet with warm tears. He remembered that even Mihu's nose used to turn red whenever she would cry. He chuckled.

He removed the hairband from Pari's hair and kept it at the bed side. He stroked her hair gently and placed a kiss on her temples. He sat down on the floor near her bed, looking at her. "Pari, my Princess. Papa will never go against your wish beta. You are the only one that I have. If you will also leave Papa or stop talking to him, Papa will break, my child." Samarth caressed Pari's forehead.

"You know Pari, your mother, Mihika told me to take care of you. To never leave you alone. While dying, leaving this world all she had on her lips was your name, your concern. If you think Jiya can match your mother's concerns and worries, I'll talk to her. My daughter, if you won't talk to me, if you'll be angry on me, where will Papa go? Huh? No one loves Papa as much as you. And, no one will ever love you as much as me, darling. Your Jiya Aunty will come to this house, as your mother, and that, my sweet sunshine, is my promise to you. I love you Pari." He kissed her cheek and patted her back softly.

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