26- Bound

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Yoongi laid her gently on the bed, the royal physician taking his place next to her as he recorded her vitals. Yoongi took two steps back before turning on his heel and walking out the room.


He stopped as Narina walked up to him outside the bedroom,

"Thank you. I didn't know how she'd react if I had gone in instead. She's been a bit on the edge with me for a while." Narina smiled apologetically

Yoongi shook his head, "No problem, your highness. I'm glad I could help."

"Would you like to join me for dinner today? Since Elira can't keep you company?"

"Oh no no, I'll be fine. I wouldn't want to bother you-"

"No that wouldn't be a bother at all. In fact, it would be my pleasure."

"Oh- Um, okay then."


They sat facing each other in the dining room, the queen taking the seat to the right of the head of the table, Yoongi taking the left.

"So. Yoongi. What do you enjoy doing?"

Yoongi tilted his head slightly to the side
"I mean, something out of the princely life, you know? Your hobbies. I heard you sparred with Elira quite a few times, so there's one, I'm guessing. What other than that?"

"Oh I um, read, occasionally write and cook and make music"

"You make music? That sounds delightful. Ah yes! You played at the Korean ball Elira attended, didn't you?"

Yoongi blushed as he nodded

"Elira loves music. Before all this, she used to have her headphones on all the time or have music playing in every room she occupied. That's how you knew she was there," Narina chuckled, "If the palace was quiet, then it meant my daughter was missing!"

Yoongi laughed as Narina smiled, Yoongi recognising where Elira got that from.

"I'm happy she found you. She's been cooped up in the castle for too long, her academic pursuits the only thing keeping her company. She doesn't show it on the surface, but she isn't very good with people..."

"Ah, that makes two of us then," Yoongi said with a bashful smile

They ate through their three-course dinner, pleasant conversation filling the gaps between bites and plates.

"I hope you find Avar pleasant to stay in, Yoongi. Another week, I presume?"

Yoongi nodded as Narina took a sip of water.

She poured out two glasses of wine, handing one to Yoongi while raising the other, "I hope to see you here again soon..." She toasted with an amicable smile.

"I would love that," Yoongi said as they clinked their glasses.


Elira opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times to adjust to the darkness.
She tried to prop herself up on her pillows only to feel how incredibly sore her arms were.

So much for hacking away at a dummy for hours.
She tried flexing her fingers only to feel it bound by something. Holding it up in the dim light filtering in from the outside she saw they had been wrapped in bandages.

She sighed as she slowly tried to sit up, every muscle in her body protesting, the lactic acid stinging as she pushed herself up.

She whipped her head to the left, only to feel something cover her nose and mouth from her right, her eyes going wide as she processed what was happening.

She smelt the stinging vapours from the cloth that covered her nose and held her breath as she thrashed about with her limbs.

"Easy miss, you don't want to get any more hurt do you?", the raspy implacable voice whispered in her ear.

The intruder, felt Elira go limp in his hands as she gave in, her head nodding down as she slowly closed her eyes.

He withdrew his hand from her mouth, loosening his grip on her slouched form. He looked to his side before feeling a sharp pain erupt in his stomach. Elira jabbed with her elbow as she kneeled on the bed, all exhaustion evaporating as adrenaline once again sang in her veins.

"Who are you?" she seethed before launching herself on him, kicking and punching in the dark as the man tried to get away. 

The door opened with a frantic "Your majesty are you alright-" as the bright light startled Elira, making her lose her grip on the shadow of a man, who walked up to the window and jumped out.

Elira rubbed her eyes as they watered, hearing the soldiers yell out orders to chase after the man while one of them kneeled next to her handing her a napkin.

She gratefully wiped her eyes and blinked before getting on her feet, "Use your goddamned phones and call up the guards on the left flank of the palace grounds. That's where there are trees tall enough to get out of the property. On the other hand, keep an eye on anyone entering and getting out of rooms. The way this person moved, it's an inside job, closer than we'd like to admit. If we do not find the imposter tonight, I'm firing each and every one of you," she said as she stalked out of the room. 

Wide awake now, she made her way to her study.

Right after she had asked for an investigation. Someone out there had left loose ends that they didn't want Elira to find.

She looked up to her study door and saw a familiar figure leaning against it, rubbing his eyes.


"I heard the commotion. Guards yelling stuff at each other. Grabbing one of them, I got to know. Are you okay? You shouldn't be up-" Yoongi said, clearing his throat as he tried to get rid of his morning voice.

"How'd you-"

"If you cannot sleep, you're going to work. We're a little too similar in that way," he smiled as he opened the door

Elira sighed with a smile as she entered the room, Yoongi closing the door after her.


Queen Narina knocked on the door of the study before hesitantly poking her head inside, "Elira, Darling?" 

She spotted the striped silk of Elira's pyjamas on the sofa and walked up to it, rubbing her eyes at the sight before her

Elira and Yoongi laid together on that narrow sofa, his arms around her side to prevent her from falling down and hers around his waist, holding on for dear life. She watched with an amused smile as Yoongi's slack jaw let out soft snores and Elira's breath blew his hair up every other second.

She tiptoed out of the room, facing Alder at the entrance, "Don't let anyone in there for a while."

Alder glimpsed inside and smiled a knowing smile as he nodded, closing the door, stationing guards and giving them instructions. 











I made oats today and it was the single most disgusting thing ever😭😭😭😭 HOW DO PEOPLE EAT THIS EVERY DAY IT RUINED A PERFECTLY GOOD MANGO😭😭😭😭

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