28- Set-up

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Elira walked back to her room, only to feel a hand grab hers. She turned around with intent to hurt, stopping when she saw her mother.

"Are you alright, dear? I heard about last night. We need to double your security and even station them outside your bedroom window-" she went on, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"I'm fine mom. He didn't do any harm. It's okay. I'm okay" Elira said reassuringly.

Narina sighed with relief before staring at Elira with a sly smile


Elira watched confused as her mother scanned her features with a knowing smile.

"... I take it you slept well?" Narina asked with a playful eyebrow raise

Elira looked down as she blushed furiously, "MOM IT'S NOT-"

Narina laughed as she reached out and patted her head, "I won't pry darling, don't worry. I'll be waiting in the dining room okay? You haven't had a single meal today."

Elira smiled gratefully before turning on her heel

"Oh and Elira?"


"Yoongi's a nice boy-"


Narina laughed as she waved Elira along, who looked at her with wide eyes before shaking her head and picking up her pace back to her room, biting her lip to keep herself from smiling the entire time.


Yoongi's phone buzzed as he walked through the corridors on the way to the dining room.

Yoongi's phone buzzed as he walked through the corridors on the way to the dining room

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He stared at the phone, before staring at the door, taking a deep breath as it opened.

Elira sat at the head of the table as Narina sat on her left, Yoongi moving to his place on her right.

Yoongi found the tablecloth super interesting, keeping his eyes glued to it as the servers brought in the first course of the night.

The dining-room door opened and Alder walked in, bowing a short bow before walking up behind Elira.

"Ma'am I've rescheduled all your commitments from today to tomorrow-" he said as he handed her a piece of paper containing her schedule.

Elira took it gratefully before turning to Yoongi, "Didn't you have a bunch of appointments today? Have they been rescheduled? Can your schedule make up for the rest of the trip or are you going to extend your stay?'

Yoongi stopped for a second, "Funny thing is, I haven't met Secretary Choi this entire day. He should've come the moment I-" he looked at Alder and Narina's knowing smiles and stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'll call him up after dinner about it. I think I'll be able to manage..." he finishes with a reassuring smile

Elira nodded, her focus shifting back to her schedule and her food

"Alder I hope the schedule isn't too rigorous?" Narina stated 

"No ma'am. It's the usual. Luckily, her majesty had a lot of free time these coming days, so today's shortcomings can be compensated for."

"I heard there's this new cafe not far from the palace. Near the centre of Leas?" Narina turned to Yoongi, "You've been barely out of the palace, Yoongi. I think a city dat- A city tour would do the both of you some good, don't you?"

Yoongi looked at Elira who stared at her mother her jaw open

was she

was she trying to set up a date

"Mother-" Elira hissed as Narina ignored her, her eyes fixated on Yoongi

"I think that's a lovely idea," Yoongi answered as Elira turned to him, alarm on her face

Do you not see what she's trying to do?! her face read

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, and Elira looked taken aback

Oh, I do know. And I think we should roll with it don't you? he spoke with his eyes

Elira sat back on her chair with a sigh, "I bet Yoongi's got more pressing matters to deal with-"

"Splendid! Alder, can you discuss with secretary Choi and see where their schedules match up?"


"Yes ma'am I can indeed," Alder said with a smile 


Narina laughed and booped Elira's nose with her finger, "I was Queen before you dear,"

Yoongi giggled as Elira looked between the three of them, mildly annoyed


"Oh, Mr Choi!" Yoongi said as he approached the man standing outside his bedroom door.

Secretary Choi bowed before handing Yoongi his schedule for the upcoming days. 

"Come on in," Yoongi said as he opened the door, letting Mr Choi enter. He seated himself in an armchair in the small living area of the room and read through the schedule

"I hope your highness finds this reschedule satisfactory? Also, I have been informed of the city tour by Mr Alder and we have deduced that the day after tomorrow allows for the same, would that be alright?"

"Yes that would be perfect if the queen has no objections," Yoongi said without taking his eyes off the paper.

Mr Choi stood with his hands behind his back as Yoongi read through, placing the paper on the coffee table before standing up.

"Thank you. You may be dismissed for the night," Yoongi said as he walked up to the door. Mr Choi carefully stepped outside, stopped by Yoongi's voice

"Ah yes, Mr Choi. Where were you the entire day? I take it this entire thing had been out of the blue-"

"I was cancelling appointments and rearranging your schedule, your highness. Today was a pretty busy day, so that took a while."

Yoongi smiled sheepishly, apologising as he closed the door, stopping when he heard Mr, Choi's phone ring, 

"Yes, your majesty?" 

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he looked at the time on his watch.

It was past 1 am in Korea.

"No sir there were some minor-" Mr Choi's voice faded as he turned a corner.

Yoongi stood at the entrance for a few beats before shaking his head and closing the door.

How are y'all doing? How was your day? I hope you have only good days ahead of you❤️
Drink water and take breaks! You deserve them!
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