Chapter 1

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Asher was sitting on the couch, reading a book and eating some chips when he saw another one of his Dad's women leave. ''Please don't come again!'' he called as she slammed the front door shut.

Marcus came out of his room a little later, tears streaming down his cheeks. Asher immediately stood up and rushed to him. ''Dad? What's wong?'' Asher asked worriedly and held his dad's face making him look at him. Marcus took a deep breath. ''Coach Buzzer, h-he's passed away''.

That was the moment Asher's heart shattered. Coach Buzzer was his everything apart from his dad. They did everything together. Going to the beach, walking in the park, anything. 

Asher's legs buckled beneath him as he cried into his father's chest. The crying wasn't stopping and Asher couldn't breathe. Marcus grabbed his inhaler off of the counter and handed it to Asher to stop any chance of an asthma attck.

Asher laid on his bed, exhausted from previous events. Asher slept for awhile before getting up and packing for the lakehouse. They were going to be going there after the funeral with everyone else.

Thursday. The day of the funeral. Asher had on a white, short sleeved botton up with some black pants and some white adidas.

He had a small back pack packed for the lake house after the funeral where he and his dad would be staying for the 4th of July weekend with his dad's old friends and their wives and children.

"Come on son we can do this. All the boys will be there to help as well and we'll have fun at the lake house as well" Marcus said trying to reassure Asher as much as he could before they got to the funeral.

Asher smiled at him. "Thanks dad and um thanks for sticking around as well". Marcus smiled at his son and they drove to the church.

When they got there, they got out of the car and walked up to courtyard where people were talking outside the church.

Asher saw Kert and Diane there and waved. Diane had been a mother figure in his family as well as Sally.

Asher took notice of the large jeep that had pulled up next to the church.

"Hollywood" Kert called and Asher immediately knew who it was. Lenny Fedar. The man who left New England to go to Hollywood and become famous.

There next to Lenny was his wife who Asher knew was Roxanne Fedar from what Sally and Diane had told him.

Next to her was what looked to be a nanny brushing up the kids. There were 4 kids. The youngest a girl. Next was 2 boys playing video games. But the last one Asher couldn't keep his eyes off of.

The boy looked a little older then him, had brown hair, perfectly cut and piercing blue eyes.

Zach looked up from his phone to see the most amazing creature he could ever lay his eyes on.

The boy Zach saw had dirty blonde hair and big round brown eyes. There boy was looking straight at him and he looked away embarrassed.

Diane and Roxanne had caught notice of this while they were talking amongst themselves.

"Now that's going to be interesting" Diane said to Roxanne, who nodded in agreement to the statement.

They all got distracted when Eric and his family drove by in a Cadillac, which Asher thought was very cool.

"Hey Lamonsoff finally grown on me, what are you now a D cup?" Lenny asked laughing.

"What are you selling lawn furniture and crack?" Kert asked laughing along with the others.

"Basically running the place" Eric said as Sally, Bean and Donna got out of the car.

Bean looked around and his eyes landed on a tall blonde boy who was looking at the taller brunette.

"Asher!" Bean called running over to Asher. He came at the poor blonde with such force it knocked him down.

"Ugh hey Bean, how's it going?" Asher groaned, propping himself on his elbows.

"I'm good. I couldn't wait to see you" Bean said getting off of the poor boy on the ground.

As Asher stood up Sally and Diane walked over to him with Roxanne close behind.

Sally pulled the boy into a hug. "Hey Ash how's it been?" She asked him as she pulled away.

I'm better thanks just have to get today over with" he said smiling sadly.

They all know how much the coach meant to Asher and his father.

"Oh Asher this is Roxanne, Lenny's wife" Diane introduced the Italian woman standing behind them, by pulling her forward.

"Pleasure to meet you. I have a son your age actually. Zach come here!" Roxanne called and the tall, who Asher now knew as Zach, walked over to them.

"Zach this is Asher Higgins, Asher this is my son Zach." Roxanne introduced the two boys to each other.

The two boys shook hands. Asher could already tell, even though he has good looks, he is a spoiled brat.

"Nice to meet you Zach"

"Right back at you Asher"

Soon enough everyone was sitting in the church as the priest spoke.

Lenny went up and made a speech but Asher wasn't listening to him. He was too preoccupied with keeping his emotions in check.

He wasn't going to have an asthma attack in the church. That wasn't gonna happen on his watch.

Rob Hilliard came up to the alter and gave a small speech before singing Ava Maria.

Honestly, this was the funniest thing Asher or Zach had ever seen. The man was getting down on one knee still singing.

The 4 older men were trying to contain their laughs but couldn't when Marcus made a buzzer noise making everyone in the whole church laugh.

"Oh grow up will ya?" Rob yelled at Marcus.

"Oh look at him now. Don't get mad now Robbie" Lenny taunted as the small man wearing a taupe sat down next to his girlfriend, Gloria.

After the mass, everyone was out the back eating and chatting with one another.

Asher was trying to get Bean to eat normal food instead of breast milk.

Donna was glaring at Asher as she has a hatred for him for unknown reasons but was also talking to Charlotte.

Becky was with Roxanne, who talking to Sally.

Greg, Keithie and Andre were looking at video games.

And finally Zach was staring at Asher like a love sick puppy from where he sat next to his mother.

Obviously this didn't go unnoticed by the mothers and they planned to figure it out sooner or later even though they already had a pretty good idea of what was going on with the two boys.

They couldn't wait to get this weekend started.

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