This story begins with a high school girl, named Amelia. She was quiet, smart, and always judged too quickly. No one really knew how fun she was because they never bothered to get to know her.
Halfway through the first semester, a new boy comes, his name is Xavier. He got to school and surprisingly became the cutest guy of 10th grade, which didn't stop almost all of the girls from talking to him. They all said hey with nothing back but a simple hey, no eye contact or no little smile.
Amelia felt like her chances were low with comparing to all the other girls, until she finds out they have a few of the same classes together. The bell rang to go to 1st block and he was the last one to get to class to find that the only empty seat was next to Amelia. He sat down without saying a word. She was too shy to say anything and thought that's how the rest of the school year was going to go. The teacher told them to get a partner and do the worksheet. This was Amelia's chance, right as she went to ask him,the teacher called him to work one on one with him for a few days to catch up. Amelia ended up working with another person that was really quiet like her, but more of a stay to herself kind of person, but she kept looking over at Xavier.
Later on that day, the next class they had together, he sat in the back while she was on the other side. She did get to see his face more that way and noticed his eyes, which was like a gray- brown mix, they stood out and she loved them.
It was finally the end of the day. As Amelia was walking home she realized Xavier also went the same way. She was so excited to know they lived in the same neighborhood.